…bright and intelligent, with clear skin and eyes.
In its
75 Years Ago section, the International Herald Tribune reprints excerpts from an article showing that the leftists' search for perfection was alive and well (yummm…) right before World War II.
1938 ‘Perfect Boy’ on Special Diet
LONDON — The “British Medical Journal” today [Aug. 19, 1938]

reports the case
of a “perfect boy,” who is being reared in the seclusion of a woodland
home on a special diet which excludes meat, fish, eggs or white bread.
His only vice is over-indulgence at occasional tea parties. Details of
the wonder boy’s life are supplied by the psychologist, Sir Leonard
Hill. He records that the boy is the son of people of culture who are
strict vegetarians. His home is in a wood, isolated from other houses
and two miles from any shop.
The boy’s typical diet follows: — For
breakfast, after walking five miles to church and back, he has one
fairly thick slice of pineapple weighing about six ounces. For luncheon,
he eats baked spinach and onion pie with a thin crust made of wholemeal
flour, plus cheese and milk. For dinner, two apples, one orange, two
small tomatoes, one small portion of ice cream, in all about twelve
ounces, including the skin of the orange. On this diet, at the age of
nine, the boy weighs fifty-nine pounds and is four feet four inches
tall, bright and intelligent, with clear skin and eyes.