I may have seen some of the stupidest Negroes I've ever seen …
the prestigious African-Americans — even though they've never been to Africa … Blacks! You're not African-American, you're black! Stop it! "I agree with [Barack Obama]! … He's right about everything! … I agree with the president!" … Negroes would follow Barack Obama to Hell if he went there! … A bunch of stupid, mindless Negroes, if I've ever seen stupid and mindless Negroes! … What about hitting yourself in the head with a hammer?! … "Is the president for it?! Okay, I'm for it!" … God, you people! … Wake up, mindless zombies!
Think I'm quoting some terrible Ku Klux Klan member, or some other racist, and therefore I can only be a racist
Problem is, of course, that I am quoting
The Angry Black Man aka
the doctor of common sense (fist bump to Valerie).