Saturday, September 11, 2010

Le Monde Joins Time in Suggesting That Clueless American Clods Can Only Be Motivated by Islamophobia and/or Racism

It could only be a matter of time before Le Monde joined in the leftists' (self-serving) horrors-didn't-you-know-that-Americans-are-Islamophobes movement and when they did so, naturally, they had to give Corine Lesnes's article the place of honor, i.e., on the top right-hand side of the front page, complete with the title Are Americans Islamophobes? and the subtitle Nine years after the 911 attacks, have the extremists won?

Upon closer examination, the front-page article turns out to be a chorus of leftist hand-wringing, from NPR's Barry Lynn to CAIR's Muhammed Musri, but most of all one Peter Beinart whose brooding and angst take up more than the first third of the article…

Our fellow blogger, Pamela Geller, gets a mention — as a right-wing "extremist" (wouldn't you know?!). Mentioned in (the front-page article (!) of) France's premier daily? Pretty good for someone who was "only" a blogger a couple of years ago (they might have mentioned that she is the author of a best-selling book as well)…

Besides side articles on freedom of speech and on the Ground Zero mosque, Corine Lesnes treats us to an online chat with readers (moderated by Pascal Galinier, in which Pam Geller is mentioned again, albeit not by name) in which she (Lesnes, not Geller) tries to project the leftists' typical I-understand-it-all-i.e.-everybody-is-an-intolerant-clod-except-lucid-detached-leftist-intellectual-types-like-myself mindset…

Thank goodness (most of) Le Monde's readers bring some sanity to the "debate"…

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