It always boils down to “the better angels of your spirit be damned”. EU membership, is, if nothing else, a means by which to use stereotypes and history shake one another down. Like the UN, poor people in rich countries are being expected to indulge the desires of rich people in poor counties, and this is what it sounds like:
Greeks should boycott German goodsLike all good little retrograde leftists, the class warfare card gets pulled out, even if does operate on the assumption that Germans are rich because they’re German, not because of what they do. It’s the SOS of European history.
Berlin has been hesitant on the issue of a financial package for Greece and Chancellor Angela Merkel has suggested it should be possible to exclude offending countries from the Eurozone. The Greeks should not take such a show of contempt sitting down, writes the left-liberal daily Ta Nea: "The German attitude has nothing in common with how Kohl, Mitterrand and Delors saw the EU, namely as a melting pot that would bring about European unity. The time has come for us to react. Berlin has reaped much advantage from the EU, and now it is refusing to provide resources to help it out in a time of need.
They should import fewer German products and buy more Italian, French, Spanish and Greek goods. Only in this way will Merkel grasp that a racist attitude to other countries can be economically detrimental, particularly to Germany."I guess that makes them “Anglo Saxon” straw-men after the fashion of the French nationalists looking at any population that goes its’ own way without taking the vague desires of their population as a guide to how they should conduct their lives.
My approach to that issue is to immediately make the point that if the rest of us are Anglo-Saxons, something that the Francophilic users of the term mysteriously avoid applying to Germans, is to say that it would otherwise be just to call the users of the term Visigoths, fans of brutal, central authority, and tribal goading and mayhem, which is actually more applicable to the melting-pot societies they try to apply the disparagement to.
The array of one caste against another, a practice which has never failed to destroy a government and degrade a people, is conspicuous everywhere. The court was regarded rather as a place of execution than the seat of the rendition of justice; the judge rather an avenger of injury, than the representative of the law and the guardian of social order.Theirin we find the roots of modern day, European feel-good solidarity, no different than the anti-Anglo-Saxons of today:
The execrable errors of heretics in general, having been already prohibited and disposed of, it now becomes our duty to make special provision for some that exist in our days, and of which we are, at present, well aware. For while the virtue of God, by the sword of his Word, extirpated all other heresies, root and branch, we have to lament that the soil of our kingdom is still only defiled by the infamy of the Jews.If that isn’t an accurate reflection of present day populism, I don’t know what is, and to think that it came after 1360 years of self-administered diversity training.
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