Senior Italian diplomat Francesco Paolo Fulci is arguing in support of German FM Westerwelle’s Jihad to get the EU “a seat on the security council”, in spite of the two they already have in the form of the UK and France. Even at the proposed expanded size, this would still represent 1/3 of the UNSC when the EU members are barely capable of playing a role in European security, let alone that of any other region of the world.
It’s a curious thing, this endless jockeying for more leverage... what on earth do they think they’re going to do with it, even if the rest of humanity were convinced that they DO deserve it?
Why not stop peddling your technology to dictators first? No entity on earth has exhibited MORE inconsistency, and LESS responsibility than the Europeans have. Take for example the matter of weapons proliferation: their entire schtick is limited to appearing to be doing something about it while covering for Iran’s nuclear weapons program. Otherwise in that department, they appear entirely unable to find North Korea or Pakistan on a map. China is only a human rights abuser when a politico needs to grandstand at home – they’re otherwise one hell of a customer.In the short-term, why not ask the EU member that is elected to the Security Council for two years – which at the moment is Austria – to include a senior civil servant from the country that is currently in charge of the EU Presidency — Spain will take over on 1st January— in its delegation? This would enable a Spanish diplomat to be present in the Council's "holy of holies" right behind the Austrian ambassador. The presence of a representative of the EU Presidency would enable Europe to follow developments on issues presented to the council; and if there is a common European position on a particular issue, the Spanish representative – with the consent of the Austrian ambassador – could express the EU point of view, and enable Europe to take the floor when major decisions concerning war and peace in the world are being decided.
Though a demonized image of the US might scare the shy little children of the Euro-village, there is no objective reason to trust the Europeans with anyone’s security.
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