With no UK teams in Euro 2008, who should British supporters throw their weight behind in the European Football Championship?Naturally – they speak for the world! The entire world - without the slightest hint of irony or awareness of the condescention or imperialism in the tone.
The World Development Movement, a UK development charity, however, wants the bereft supporters to choose a European team based on which of their home countries is most committed to international development or most advanced in the battle against climate change.
So goes the tripe from the muddled Euro-lefty mind. Proving that their burning interests in whatever-it-is-this-week and whatever holy green hoop they want you to jump through are really just a game:
The criteria include aid spending, carbon emissions, electricity from renewable energy, military spending, inequality and corruption.Rationalizing: it’s the new “beautiful game”.
According to the ranking, Netherlands pumps out the highest amount of carbon dioxide of countries in Euro 2008, emitting 16 tonnes per person. Turkey, Romania and Croatia emit the least with three to four tonnes per person.
Cuddly egalitarian Sweden comes out as the most 'supportable' in the ranking, followed by Austria and Croatia, while Italy, Greece and Russia are bottom of the ethical league.Cuddly and egalitarian? Have these people ever been there? I put this in the same place as all that sad fake blue-collarism you see among leftists in America who want to be liked... want to be a “man’s man”, but don’t know how – so they force themselves to “pick a home team” in baseball, and get worked up about microbrews because they’re egalitarian in their Beeriness, but still permits one to be distinctively lecturesome in their choices.
Either way, it’s as lacking in any sort of genuine interest on their part that only their friends who are equally emotionally debilitated will buy it.
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