It should come as no surprise that while the most over-published image around (probably because it’s copyright can’t be enforced) can be found on every cut-rate junk stand in Paris, that the stone age L’Humanité tries to render their favorite stiff to resemble an image of the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.
No doubt they will find a few chumps to buy their “special edition” even if they find themselves repeating the same nonsense that others have been giving away for free for 4 decades.
Which brings us to L’Humanité’s outrageous stretch of the day. The only article they have posted so far on the periodic cultural inflammation emerging this time from F.C. Villiers-le-Bel is that it’s just another “embarrassment” - presumably to “their cause”.
Anyway, the news of the tragedy spread like wildfire in this neighborhood which is deemed "sensitive". Pendant près de six heures, les échauffourées se sont multipliées dimanche soir entre plusieurs dizaines de jeunes et les forces de l’ordre, mobilisées en nombre. For nearly six hours on Sunday evening the skirmishes spread between several dozen youths and the police mobilized in numbers. Abribus fracassés, voitures incendiées et retournées sur le dos, caillassages, tirs de pistolet à grenaille… Un policier local n’en revient toujours pas : « C’était Beyrouth, plus chaud encore qu’en 2005. » Le poste de police de Villiers-le-Bel, fermé la nuit, sera incendié, et celui d’Arnouville, une commune limitrophe, saccagé et pillé. Bus shelters destroyed, cars burned and flipped over, vandalism, gun shots fired… A local policeman said: "It was Beirut, even hotter than 2005." The police station in Villiers-le-Bel closed at night, was lit as was that of an adjacent municipality, Arnouville, which was ransacked and looted.Indeed, on “Hudna-days” these places slightly resemble Beirut if you can ignore the fact that Beirut never saw this penchance for mugging, fighting, or personal crime, that the Lebanese are friendlier, and are twice as likely to actually have a job as the residents of these edge cities whose creation were once thought of a great victory of the Stalin emulating left when Architecture tried to sell itself as a therapeutic delivery system for a Government’s “love” of the “proletariat”.
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