Monday, January 15, 2007

Unconfirmed by Danes or Any Other Reputable Adults.

The Italian newspaper la Repubblica reports that an Iranian news agency reports that a Danish “Mohammed cartoonist” has been burned alive:

TEHRAN - One of the Danish cartoonists of the Mohammed caricatures that, because thought blasphemous, inflamed the Muslim world a year ago, has been found died in a narrow alleyway in Copenhagen. The news, broadcast from the Iranian government news agency Fars, has not yet been confirmed by Police in Denmark. The cartoonist, whose name Fars doesn’t reveal, was said to have been burnt alive.
Not only is it hard to believe that someone could be burned alive in an alleyway that quickly without drawing attention, but note too how the cause of death is written to be attributed to the “blasphemy” and not the rage or the murderer.

Developing, I suppose, but it sounds like Big Brother giving the “Iranian Street” something to be proud of now that they’ve surmised that their uncredentialed “diplomats” in northern Iraq might have not been above board about their activities. The news appears nowhere else at the time of this writing, raising suspicion that the whole thing is just domestic Iranian propaganda.

- With thanks to reader
PJC for the tip-off.

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