In EUtopia, monkey-chanting is a form of populism they keep trying to hide:
A French politician has quit of the Socialist Party after he was criticised for saying there were too many black players on the national football team.Typical leftist – remember that it isn’t what people do or say, it’s how it seems. That must be why it took lefties a month and a half to get worked up about this – not because it’s basically a nutty PC assault on a guy who was trying to say that white kids are lazy, (as if you could make that assumption in a place where your Doctor is still most likely to be white,) but that it had to be done to prop a flagging political campaign.
Georges Freche, of the southern Languedoc-Roussillon region, said today he was withdrawing from the party for three or four months to avoid hurting Socialist Segolene Royal’s chances in upcoming presidential elections.
“I do not want to complicate her fight, which will be very tough,” he said. Royal and rival Nicolas Sarkozy, of the ruling conservative party, are now the front-runners in the April and May vote.
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