Pluc is insufficiant.
Yet another mayor found himself “empowered” by his inner twit. René Couanau, the mayor of Saint-Malo (35) in Bretegne uses the occasion of the commemoration of the liberation of the city from the Nazis to compare the (sorry, no points for guessing...) the Israelis to Nazis. A village scribbler called it son message de paix chaque été (an annual message of peace in summer).
He either thinks the Nazis were okay, just “misunderstood”, or could otherwise have been persuaded to leave with sanctions.
« Comment nos pensées ne se tourneraient-elles pas aussi vers le Liban, où combattants et civils affrontent les mêmes épreuves, sous le regard du monde entier. », a déclaré René Couanau.
« Nous sommes en communion avec les hommes, les femmes et les enfants qui, à des kilomètres d'ici, mais si proches médiatiquement, revivent les mêmes heures de bombardements, de souffrances, de deuils et d'humiliations. »
“How could our thoughts not now turn to Lebanon, where combatants and civilians endure the same test, in view of the whole world [?]”, said Rene Couanau. “We are one with the men, women, and children who though they are many kilometers from here are so close in spirit, must endure the same long bombardment, suffering, mourning and humiliation.”
How does he see it? Saint-Malo was bombarded to free it of an occupying force, and Israel (aside from the fact that it withdrew from Lebanon years ago) somehow is a comparable occupier which wasn’t occupying diddly of Hizballah-stan when they trained rocket propelled artillery at Israeli civilians.
60 years ago, they wouldn’t have been overcome by the irony, the sane would have judged the Nazis for who they were. They would have to be fought that day, or the next day, month, or year. They understood that it couldn’t be made painless.
The fuse is lit!
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