Friday, October 22, 2004

Zhow dee Chermans dat you are Goot Amerikans und dat t'erevor, you vill fote for Chon Kehry in der Spiegel boll

Ledzee… Hoom to I vant do fote vor? Chorge Toupleyou Push oder Chon Vorpes Kehry… Ach du lieber, dat's an eassy vun… Und maype ve zhould to zomet'ing like dee Guartian tit — vrite ledders do Amerikan dumkopfs egsblaining hoom dey zhould fote vor if only dey vere as indellichent as us Chermans… Ja ja, goot itea… Vell, in de meandime, let us ket dis boll rollink… Ve must ket blendy of fotes for Kehry

Zhow Push dat ve haff hu'rt dee Cherman messach
— dat ve unterstand t'at dey are more intellichent und schofisdicated den ve are —
und vote for Chon Kehry!

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