Isn't it the 1850s all over again?…
Eight years ago or so, Barack Obama promised that he was getting ready for a presidency invested in "fundamentally transforming the United States of America."
So what is it that he has, that he and his minions have, succeeded in doing?
They seem to succeeded in imposing a candidate on the Republican Party, a Trojan horse on the path towards a de facto one-party state.
Even if Hillary (or Bernie) doesn't win in November, the Republican Party loses.
The Democrats have effectively succeeded in tarnishing the GOP as a party of wackos and extremists (something President Trump promises to demonstrate within days, or hours, of taking the oath).
Which of course is unfair in Trump's case, in a manner of speaking, because (as Ted Cruz said on Sunday) The Donald is not a conservative but "Democrat lite."
The Democrats' and the MSM's motto might be:
So, either way a Democrat wins.Hillary looks terrible (no one can deny it),One might wonder whether the Democrats don't
so what is needed is a GOP candidate who is,
or who can be depicted as, far worse.
want to effectively make America a one-party state,
with the Republicans being no more than a secondary
party with its ranks filled with either with
alter ego Democrat types or with what
looks like (unelectable) crazed extremists.
Either a Democrat wins.
Or a Democrat lite wins.
In all cases, the Party of Lincoln loses.
And, in all cases, so does America.

And please — do not dismiss this out of hand, because that is what the Democrats, what their minions in the MSM, and what the Trump supporters want you to do.
And that is that John Kasich stays in the race, and that as many people rally around him as soon as possible, for a contested convention in Cleveland.
Update: The Left's 2016 Plan: Defining Trump so damningly
that Clinton will look comparatively angelic