This trope originated with exhortations from President Bush just
after 9/11 for people to keep going about their normal lives in spite of
the fear al-Qaeda wanted to instill in them. Which is reasonable
enough, I suppose, but then it got out of hand
… Note that in its pure form, Or the Terrorists Win is not about the
need to pursue some actual foreign policy that might disrupt or defeat
terrorists. It’s about asking us to “go on living our lives as usual” —
which means that there is no activity too trivial or mundane that it
cannot be recast as an act of defiance against terrorism.
Or the Terrorists Win is no longer a trope, strictly speaking,
because it has become a running joke. No one uses it non-ironically any
But they are still oh-so-serious about knowing Exactly What ISIS Wants.
‘Exactly What ISIS Wants’
The bodies were barely cool in the Paris shootings when we were treated to lectures that “
The West Is Giving ISIS Exactly What It Wants,” usually accompanied by very dubious projections of what ISIS wants, which
just so happen to correspond to any policy proposed by someone on the American right.
Exactly What ISIS Wants may seem as if it is the opposite of Or the
Terrorists Win. Or the Terrorists Win urges action to defy terrorism —
albeit trivial and ineffectual — while Exactly What ISIS Wants demands
inaction. But both effectively say the same thing: act as if the
situation is normal, go on with our lives as if nothing happened. Or the
Terrorists Win tells us to go shopping or hold awards ceremonies or
whatever else we were already doing — even though many young men,
thankfully, did disrupt their lives by volunteering to join the
armed forces. Exactly What ISIS Wants tells us to change nothing about
our policies toward terrorism, toward ISIS, toward Syria, toward
refugees, or anything else — even if such changes might be warranted.
The purest, most absurd use of Exactly What ISIS Wants is to declare,
“If we go to war, we’re doing exactly what the terrorists want.”
Get that? Don’t destroy ISIS. Don’t bomb them, shoot them, or hunt them down like dogs. That’s exactly what they want!
As absurd as it may sound, this is the specific form Obama
used in
his appeal to Exactly What ISIS Wants: “We should not be drawn once
more into a long and costly ground war in Iraq or Syria. That’s what
groups like ISIL want.” To which he then adds: “They know they can’t
defeat us on the battlefield.” Strange, then, that they would want to
draw us into a war they know they can’t win, isn’t it?
… maybe we should decide our response to terrorism based on our own
judgment of our interests, without worrying too much about what ISIS has
to say on the matter.
But Exactly What ISIS Wants is the black hole of arguments. It
pulls any proposed action against terrorism into its gravitation field
and sucks all motion and energy out of it. Which is interesting, because
I’m pretty sure that dithering and inaction on our part is exactly what
ISIS wants. It has certainly served their interests so far.
But we have not exhausted the tropes for the political exploitation
of terrorism, not by a long shot. Exactly What ISIS Wants, for example,
is merely an inverted version of Vicarious Terrorism.
‘Vicarious Terrorism’
Vicarious Terrorism is when you advocate responding to terrorism by
taking away the grievances that motivate it — which means, in effect,
granting the terrorists’ demands.
The person who makes this argument is not a supporter or sympathizer
of the terrorist group in question and would never dream of committing
an act of terrorism himself. It’s just that the terrorists’ supposed
grievances happen to correspond in some way to his pre-existing agenda,
and he just can’t help using the attack to promote that agenda.
… One of the common threads among these tropes — the thing that makes them
tropes — is the fact that they are always used to justify a
pre-existing agenda. They are less a response to terrorism than an
attempt to exploit terrorism to promote or defend an existing political
program. …
‘Bin Laden Syndrome By Proxy’
In Bin Laden Syndrome by Proxy, you take someone else’s terrorist
attack, fantasize what you think its causes and motives ought to be
according to your world view, then advocate a response intended to
address this pretended cause.
In Vicarious Terrorism, the terrorists’ real motives and agenda have
some overlap with your own, and you succumb to the temptation to
exaggerate the connection and use the attacks to promote your agenda.
But in Bin Laden Syndrome by Proxy, the overlap is entirely a product of
your own imagination, spurred by naked opportunism.
Probably the best example I have ever seen of Bin Laden Syndrome by
Proxy is giving a speech after an ISIS-inspired terrorist attack in
which you tell the American people that gun control is now “a matter of
national security” — which is exactly what Obama just did. Obviously, he
did not start wanting to ban “assault weapons” because a couple of
terrorists used them last week. He’s been advocating it all along as his
standard response to domestic shootings by crazy people with no
ideological motive at all. But these shootings haven’t mobilized the
public to support gun control, so he repackaged his argument to connect
it to an issue on which people do seem to want strong action.
What unites Exactly What ISIS Wants and Bin Laden Syndrome by Proxy
is that they both help the user avoid addressing the essential cause
behind the current terrorism threat: the religion of Islam. This
avoidance has spawned a whole constellation of tropes, starting with the
assertion that the Islamic State and Islamic terrorism have Nothing to
Do with Islam.
‘Nothing To Do With Islam’
“This has nothing to do with Islam” is a standard description for
anything bad done by a Muslim in the name of Islam, based on arguments
offered by Islamic imams citing quotations from Islamic scripture.
Hence Hillary’s Clinton’s
that “Muslims are peaceful and tolerant people, and have nothing
whatsoever to do with terrorism” — in response to attacks in Paris by
Muslims who were not peaceful or tolerant and had something to do with
This is a variant of The Religion of Peace.
‘The Religion Of Peace’
The Religion of Peace is the religion that did
not motivate the San Bernardino shootings, the Paris attacks, the
Charlie Hebdo
massacre, the Fort Hood shootings, the beheading of hostages in Syria,
the mass execution of policemen and soldiers in Iraq, the
shooting schoolgirls in the head, and so on and on. It definitely didn’t motivate the 9/11 attacks, and that is why it is
not even supposed to be mentioned at the Ground Zero museum.
Must be some other faith. Try the Presbyterians.
The purest examples of either trope are when non-Muslims — who endow
themselves with the authority to speak on behalf of somebody else’s
religion — offer assurances about the essential peaceful and tolerant
nature of Islam. This culminates in No True Muslim.