Monday, March 17, 2025

Pure Jacobin hatred for anything pro-American: Every other decision in the Biden administration was intended to harm our country and destroy the United States as we know it

What is the Democrat message?

asks John Kass (thanks to Glenn Reynolds). 

Do they even know?

Is the Democrat message pure Jacobin hatred for anything pro-American and anything that could be considered pro-President Donald Trump?

They’re feral creatures now, lonely, isolated, frightened without leadership, desperate for relevance, without any cogent message, terrified at what’s to become of them.

And quite mad, like inmates in Victorian lunatic asylum.

 … Long ago, the Democrat Party had a choice:

Cleanse themselves of their Barack Obama infection, cleanse themselves of Obama’s racist and radical addiction to racial preferences that we now know as DEI, amputate any limbs that had become sodden with jacobin  gangrene and become what they had been: a patriotic American party of the American working class.

Or, they could continue following the discredited Clintons and Obamas down the sewer.

The Democrats chose the sewer.

They didn’t do a damn thing except scream. And their childish foot stomping was on display for all the world to see last week at President Trump’s Congressional address.

 … Democrat open borders policy that ushered in an untold number of foreign terrorists and deadly street gang members from Latin American prisons are to be protected. Anyone who threatens their power will be demonized and hounded by the jacobin mob that has been paid by U.S. tax dollars funneled through Dark Money and Soros operations via U.S. AID and other sources. These money funneling operations are protected by left-wing federal judges by Obama and his meat puppet who was on the Ukrainian payroll Joe Biden.

The aforementioned Instapundit's blogfather goes on to link Bravo Blue's John A. Lucas quoting Judd Garrett's What's Important:

Today Judd Garrett posted an article on Substack that, at least for me, is a must-read. I will link and summarize it briefly and will then add a reflection from my own experience. Judd’s article is here: What's Important - by Judd Garrett. Here are some excerpts to whey your appetite:

There is a lot of talk, speculation and fear mongering surrounding what Donald Trump has been doing since he was inaugurated in January. He is starting a trade war; the tariffs are on, they are off, they are back on again; the stock market has been very volatile; the jobs numbers were not great; we don’t have a peace deal in Ukraine; there isn’t a ceasefire in Gaza; all of our hostages are not home yet; maybe we are sliding into a recession. Democrats are claiming that Trump voters are having buyer’s remorse.

. . . . The approach to illegal immigration is a touchstone issue for me when I am evaluating a President and his administration’s performance. Under Biden, illegal immigration was at an all-time high and now less than two months into Trump’s administration, it is at an all-time low. Why is this such a defining issue? It tells me how much our President cares about the country or how much he is actively trying to destroy our country. Joe Biden was actively destroying the United States of America by not only flinging our southern border wide open and inviting the rest of the world to come in, he was actively flying plane loads of illegals to the interior of the country with pre-paid debit cards, cell phones, essentials bags and housing lined up at taxpayer expense.

That was all designed to destroy the United States as we know it. The PHDs and engineers from other countries were not coming en masse; the uneducated, the unskilled, the criminal aliens, the drug smugglers, the gang members were the ones who came. Everyday under Biden our country was getting worse and worse, regardless of what the economic indicators were saying, and it was all done intentionally which made me believe that every other decision that the Biden administration was making was intended to harm our country or at least was not designed to make our country better. Everything that was done by the previous administration was done to help ensure permanent Democrat power in Washington for decades to come and if that meant destroying the country in the process, so be it.

It is dramatically different under Trump. Trump solved our most glaring problem from day one - the threat to our national sovereignty from mass illegal immigration. I sleep better at night knowing that Tom Homan is on the job, and thousands of illegal aliens are being shipped back to their own country every day. The country gets better with every criminal alien, gang banger, cartel member who is removed from the country. Our country is not about our politicians or our laws or even about our Constitution - it is about our citizenry and removing thousands of people every day who came here to poison our communities or commit violent crimes or exploit our system and generosity, makes us better.

I don’t know how many of those other issues are going to resolve themselves - will Trump’s tariffs improve our economy? Was the Ukraine-Russia peace deal good? Will Trump’s threats to Hamas end that conflict and bring our hostages home? I don’t have the answers to those questions, but what I do know is after 4 years, we finally have a President who is putting America first, who is working in the best interests of our country and not trying to destroy it, who is willing to attack and destroy the mass unelected bureaucracy which was bankrupting America. It is finally good to know we have a president who is working for the best interests of America and its citizens.

 … I sleep well at night, knowing that we have a President who puts us and our country first.

Related: •  Mark Levin points out that The Democrat Party Hates America
• Trump's Wow Moment — The only reason for wanting open borders: you're either stupid or you hate the country

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