Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Macron's Visit to the Trump White House Is Discussed on French Radio

The French radio channel Sud Radio asked Philippe Karsenty to discuss with Alexis Poulin the subject of Emmanuel Macron's visit to the White House and his meeting with Donald Trump regarding the Ukraine war (20:39-43:00). 

Previously, Alexis Poulin chuckled as he mentioned the Candace Owens book about Macron's wife Brigitte (who she claims in Becoming Brigitte to be a male), with the book Devenir Brigitte disappearing from all French sales outlets, online and other, from one day to the next (18:05).

Avec Arnaud Benedetti, rédacteur en chef de la Revue politique et parlementaire / Philippe Karsenty, porte parole du comité Trump France / Alain Juillet, ancien directeur du renseignement au sein de la direction générale de la Sécurité extérieure (DGSE) Retrouvez Alexis Poulin sans réserve tous les vendredis de 12h à 13h sur #SudRadio.

1 comment:

The Phantom said...