«The demonization of Donald Trump has repercussions», charges one of the spokespersons of Republicans In France. And
"it is time for America's leading media put an end to this demonization of Donald Trump, that Kamala Harris put an end to it, that Joe Biden, or that the people speaking for Joe Biden, put an end to it.
On a lighter note, Philippe Karsenty adds that
"If I want to mix in a smidgen of humor, in the same time frame Kamala Harris has done one interview and a half. So: two assassination attempts [for one candidate], one interview and a half [for the other]. What I mean is this: there is somebody who is really putting their life at stake for American democracy — they took a bullet for democracy —"
and it ain't Kamala Harris.

«La diabolisation de Donald Trump a des conséquences», a dénoncé ce lundi sur CNEWS le porte-parole du parti républicain américain en France Philippe Karsenty.
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