Tuesday, July 23, 2024

The View From Europe: If Kamala Harris is elected, she will be the most left-wing president in American history

A Danish newspaper warns that If Kamala Harris is elected, she will be the most left-wing American president ever.

The daily Berlingske Tidende has a reputation of being a bourgeois newspaper leaning right, but that does not mean that they are pro-Trump by any means. Another article, by Poul Høi (who is also known to castigate Donald Trump), titles that JD Vance called Kamala Harris a "childless cat lady"; He shouldn't have done that (here is JD Vance's reply to the "scandal").

Back to Helena Bang-Udesen's front-page article (update: mange tak til Sarah Hoyt) on Kamala Harris:

Kamala Harris' presidential campaign flopped in 2019 because she failed to articulate a strong political position. Now she almost has the Democratic nomination, but is struggling to make her mark in the political center. 

Kamala Harris has always had difficulty articulating her political position. 

Her previous announcements have gone in different directions, and the political uncertainty became the downfall of her campaign when she went for the nomination as the Democratic presidential candidate in 2019. …


Anonymous said...

Kamala has trouble articulating full stop

Anonymous said...

Maybe. But she’s winning.

Anonymous said...

Winning what? She will not be the Dem nominee
~ Doctor Weasel