Sunday, February 25, 2024

Jixie and the Catman at CPAC 2024

I got tagged the Catman at CPAC 2024 and for what I admit is a very good reason: since my 19-year-old cat needs daily medication, the only way that I could provide for Jixie Juny was to bring her over the Atlantic Ocean (the cat handled the 8 hour 10 minute flight quite well). 

Having her as an "emotional support animal" (or as I have to admit that I cheekily called her — only to designated #CPAC members — an "emotional support pussy") lead to a bevy of photo shoots (Zuma's Dominic Gwinn plus NurPhoto) and interviews at the Gaylord Convention Center, including with Sky News and of the Washington Times

Erik Svane flew nearly 9 hours from Paris with his cat to attend CPAC. Mr. Svane, who is in his mid-50s, has worked on a conservative political blog in France for two decades. He believed that the Supreme Court would intervene on Mr. Trump’s behalf, and not allow “kangaroo courts” to decide who runs for office and who doesn’t. 

“I see that as show trials and can’t believe this is happening in America,” Mr. Svane said. “I’m hoping it’ll wake more people up to what a rotten system we have right now.”

Internationally, a couple ofand Mandel Ngan of La Provence and AFP (reproduced by La Croix, MSN, TV5, and Boursorama, merci à Aléric Flair).

Erik Svane, un Américain qui vit à Paris venu spécialement depuis la capitale pour voir Donald Trump, tranche : "Il faut continuer à aider l’Ukraine mais le problème c’est que Joe Biden et les démocrates n’expliquent jamais rien. Ils disent simplement +il faut envoyer de l’argent+. Alors que si on explique pourquoi, ce serait plus simple."

Sur son épaule trône son chat, baptisé "Jixie Juny", qui fait l’attraction dans les couloirs de la convention. "Un vrai trumpiste", rigole le Parisien d’adoption. "Mais lui, il n’aura pas le droit de voter" le 5 novembre pour élire le prochain président.

Update: I have been searching the internet for more photos/videos. If any reader finds any others, I wouldn't mind getting the hyperlinks… (Thanks for the Instalink, fellow cat-lover…)

Related: • Jixie Juny Is Only Cat or Household Pet to Attend Trump's Speech Finale 

• CPAC: Phoenix Airport Shocker — Vast Number of Illegal Immigrants Being Outfitted for Plane Trip

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