Eretz Nehederet is called Israeli TV's equivalent of Saturday Night Live by Ha'aretz, but if this sketch (also linked by Joachim Talbro Paulsen in Denmark's Berlingske Tidende) serves as a model, it is way funnier. Also more incisive than the MSM's late-night talk show hosts, from Jimmy Kimmel to Stephen Colbert.
Here are five excerpts from Welcome to Columbia Untisemity :
Kelcy: At Columbia Untisemity … "everyone is welcome: L, G, B, T, Q, H"
Wordle: "H?"
Kelcy: "Hamas!"Kelcy & Wordle (in unison): "From the river to the sea!
Palestine will be free!"
Kelcy: "Do you know why it's true?"
Wordle: "mh?"
Kelcy: "Because it rhymes!"
Wordle: "oh"Wordle: "And no, I'm not anti-semitic; I'm racist fluid"
Kelcy: "And now for a little break from all this activism; we want to say hello to our BFF"
Wordle: "Bestie Freedom Fighter"
Kelcy: "Abu Fatwa in Gaza"
Kelcy: "Salaam Aleikum "
Abu Fatwa: "Aleikum sallam, and inch Allah, Allah will kill you all, infidels"
Wordle: "Thank you so much for joining us"
Kelcy & Wordle (in unison): "From the river to the sea!
Palestine will be Jews-free!"
Kelcy: "Yeah, that sounds better!"
Wordle: "It is better!"
Over at Instapundit, we learn that Middle East Arabs know Hamas is wrong and Israel is right, even if America’s stupid college students don’t:
The great irony here is that while these protesters see nothing wrong with mass murder by Hamas, the leaders of other Arab countries have a decidedly different opinion. … History has shown that the strong presence of Palestinian refugees leads to political instability and violence, both within the country and with Israel, and neither Egypt nor Jordan want this. All these countries recognize the corruption engendered by Hamas in Gaza, and do not want it to spread to them.
The insanity in the West is illustrated by a sign found by Paul Reen on the internet:
Speaking of the West's mainstream media outlets, Israeli TV's Eretz Nehederet (A Wonderful Country) doesn't let their members off the hook. Like this skit featuring the latest "news" from the BBC's correspondent, Harry Whiteguilt.
1 comment:
Some realistic reporting on the Israeli genocide of Palestinians.
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