Photos by Republicans in France members Marie-Thérèse Foreau (MTF) and video by Paul Reen (PR). Several speeches can also be seen on the website of Republicans Overseas France and on the YouTube page of ROF's WFI 2023 TV.
Par ailleurs, sous la signature de Initiative Mondiale pour la Liberté et sur son invité surprise.
, l'édition française de The Epoch Times présente deux articles sur l'Une fois n'est pas coutume… In France, where usually nothing of interest ever happens for us people of the right, a fascinating conservative conference was held on November 10, under the aegis of Republicans Overseas France or ROF, a conservative American group, and the Danube Institute, a think tank created in Budapest by John O'Sullivan, an Anglo-American who began his political and literary career as a speechwriter for Margaret Thatcher.
The event was initially planned at the town hall of the 6th Arrondissement in Paris but, only two days prior to the conference, the city councilors cavalierly dis-invited some 200 people without explanation and without apology, for the convoluted reason, it would seem, that the panelists and guests registered included “controversial personalities”. Randy Yaloz, head of ROF, managed to pull off the feat of quickly rerouting all those dangerous right-wing extremists to the 56th floor of la Tour Montparnasse, thus ensure the smooth running of the conference. A nice swap, as it happens, what with magnificent panoramas of the French capital that the town hall could not have offered.
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Edy Iverson and Paul Reen on the 56th floor of la Tour Montparnasse (MTF) |
The general theme was libety and more precisely our individual freedoms, all of which are under serious attack on a daily basis by that domestic enemy which is known as Wokism, the undisguised goal of which is the destruction of our traditions and our civilization and which turns out to be never anything other than pure neo-Marxism. Evil being at work in all our Western democracies, the meeting was international with speakers hailing from the United States and from all over Europe.
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Organized by Republicans Overseas France and the Danube Institute, the Worldwide Freedom Initiative drew VIPs to Paris from the USA and every part of Europe (MTF) |
Emphasis was placed on the forms taken by censorship and the suppression of the right of free speech which are rife first and foremost in the media, duly aligned with the narratives of left-leaning governments. André Bercoff reminded us that we must constantly censor ourselves to avoid that our remarks be "judicialized" and that if there is no gulag, the modern world's dissidents are nevertheless dismissed as "conspiracy theorists" at the slightest misinterpretation of a single word. All because “we must not weaken the social consensus”, as they said during the Covid terror, explained Florian Philippot wryly (in fact a political consensus against the citizenry) and that on all subjects. Thus, debate is prohibited on one subject after another, from climate and immigration to race and sexual orientation, with the EU dominating the roost. On this side of the Atlantic, “daring to talk about FREXIT would be an obscenity”. Les Pariotes' Philippot, who had discretely put his anti-Americanism in his pocket (as had Eric Zemmour and Nicolas Dupont-Aignan), also noted that the national media engage in the systematic denigration of Donald Trump while the Bidens' mafia clan is treated to the respect and the hand kissing of a Sicilian Godfather.
But FREXIT is possible, assured Charles Gave without convincing anyone! This indirectly, when the United States, weighed down by its external deficit and inevitable dedollarization will have to abandon Europe, thus forcing us to reactivate our military and our nuclear forces, which will lead to an explosion of the detested super state...Another theme was precisely that of international organizations, the EU, the UN, supranational courts, and NGOs, all of them so corrupt and harmful. Rob Roos of Holland's MEP demonstrated how the erosion of true democracy is the end result of "the social engineering of non-elected technocracies and bureaucracies, extremely busy within these organizations to create from the top down absurd regulations which take precedence over the rights of nations in their desire to impose the same legislation and common standards on all of us." The frenzied environmentalism of Eurocrats now demand the sacrifice of Dutch livestock and the depoldarization or removal of the dikes protecting the flat country (much of which is under sea level), all of which is to restore the rights of Mother Nature or Gaia, if you prefer...
Rob Roos's Dutch compatriot Sieta van Keimpema added that the green EU puts our food security at risk. She emphasized that Ursula von den Leyen was the zealous agent of the Davos Forum and the Green New Deal which demands the elimination of insecticides and agricultural de-fertilization! The madness must stop because rebuilding after the ecological damage will be extremely difficult if not impossible. Jeremy Stubbs, deputy editor at Causeur magazine and head of British conservatives in Paris, a fine connoisseur of the sexual ideologies dear to the left, specified that the decline of the West went hand in hand with the economic decline generated by climate myths whose real goal is the final destruction of capitalism by condemnation of all "extractionism", the act of "extracting our carbon-based energies from the sacred body of Mother Nature" — obviously a capital environmental sin, even a double sin because it turns out also to be "an eco-feminist crime" committed by the patriarchy!
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Mike Johnson was supposed to appear via Zoom, but because the new Speaker of the House had laryngitis, his speech was read by Republicans Overseas Vice-President Jim Gosart (MTF) |
Romania's Dorin Jacob and Hungary's Balaz Orban informed us about the Visegrad group: former Soviet republics are more resistant to wokism "quite simply" because they duly recognize it as communism reincarnate and they have already been through that once, thank you very much! No question "of destroying our traditions, our identities and our sovereignty" this time around through the insanity of “cancel culture”. And we know everything Soros is capable of when it comes to subversive immigration, himself a stateless Hungarian Jew and the "worst import ever to hail from the America." Israel's Mark Zell insisted on the incestuous alliance (typically Islamo-leftist) between environmentalists and Hamas terrorists, to which he could have added the "transgender" movement since Judith Butler, high priestess of the "gender" movement, publicly supported the "Queers for Palestine" group … Zell pointed out that the conflict unleashed on October 7 is well in the woke (Marxist) line, with "oppressors" and "oppressed" (and too bad if the two can be easily happily reversed) and he affirmed that this attack targets the Free World and not Israel alone.
Another theme extensively covered was the ravages of Wokism in education. Reconquête's Éric Zemmour deplored that General de Gaulle completely missed the cultural fight and let the communists take over national education. However, the craziest and most dangerous woke theories are constructed in the academic world, resulting in "studies of gender, race, and other “devastated minorities”," with diplomas and a pseudo-scientific status allowing elected officials an excuse to develop laws! “Would you dare challenge science? Infernal, implacable machine whose goal is absolute power over populations.” Laurence Trochu, founder and president of a brand new “conservative party”, recalled that "the deconstruction of our traditions and values (and therefore our inevitable decline) has been institutionalized from Mitterrand onwards: suppressing classical culture so that everyone is equal" (the famous woke equity) and the vague educational theories of Adorno (from the Frankfurt School) introduced a the time. All this, aggravated by the intensive use of digital technology in the past ten years, resulted in the abolition of critical thinking and in impoverished language, therefore impoverished thought, therefore impoverishment of the very aptitude for reflection. America's Quisha King, president of Moms for Liberty, present via a Zoom screen, explained how parental rights have been violated since the Biden Administration has insisted on the mandatory teaching of Critical Race Theory which “teaches children to judge others by the color of their skin” alongside another compulsory subject in school, transgender theory.
Videoconferencing, generally speaking a boring process, also allowed us to have the surprise of the day, Donald Trump live at 4 p.m. sharp, who congratulated us all on our presence and on our determination to fight against the malignant forces of Wokism.Among the attendees was Corey Lewandowski, who helped organize a special guest call-in (PR)
The 45th president was followed by Nigel Farage who recounted how he had been punished for having organized BREXIT, finding himself from one day to the next "debanked", banned from his bank accounts like a common criminal, but whose counterattack has proven its effectiveness since a court has just condemned the bank to an apology and a fine. The UK Independence Party honcho recommends that everyone "attend the general meetings of their bank and question the choices aligned with interests opposed to those of the depositaries". This echoed the statement of Canada's Tamara Lich who described how Canadian truckers were mercilessly deprived of access to their bank accounts, on the completely illegal order of Justin Trudeau, for daring to organize a massive demonstration in 2022 against his cabinet's vaccination dictates, since woke governments monopolize power by launching collective fears (Covid, climate…) which allow them to exercise undue rights". This confirmed the warnings of Nicolas Dupont-Aignan earlier in the morning on the aims of the EU and the French government for 2028: a digital euro and the imposition of a Chinese-style control system. Control our money first, said the Debout la France leader, and thereafter all our decisions with "the establishment of a spider's web without our knowledge".
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Surprise guest at the Paris event (MTF) |
On the question of manipulated elections, another strong point of Wokism, David Bossie and Corey Lewandowski assured the audience that the pivotal states could not repeat the electoral theft of 2020 because "precautions have been taken with lawyers ready to intervene in each polling station". Fine, but recalling that the left has all the billionaires of its side, it is hard no to but wonder if the Republicans will not be ready in 2024 for the 2020 election instead of for the 2024 election, and if the Democrats have not come up with an even more diabolical plan than its successful 2020 conspiracy.
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South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem (PR) |
The day ended with a speech from Kristi Noem. This young woman, Governor of South Dakota, spoke of her personal, impressive experience, then confirmed that food insecurity is a national and even an international security risk. The threat to America does not come from the EU but from the great friend and partner of the elites' transnational corporations, Comrade Xi at the head of the CCP, which buys millions of acres of arable land without encountering obstacles, which shows that the question of leadership is essential. For example, Noem was the first in her state to ban "the Chinese application TikTok which is to the mind what [Chinese] fentanyl is to the body." Then she reminded everyone that America owes a lot to France, its thinkers, philosophers, and artists, and that the Statue of Liberty bears the inscription "Lady Liberty enlightening the world". "Also, we must re-educate the people who have been brainwashed and who let themselves be carried away by their emotions." Then she concluded with strong words: "Freedom is this which characterizes true democracy, also when you defend freedom and true values against the wokist crowd, know that you will have lived a life full of meaning".
These are the terrorists and the conspiracy theorists that a woke French town hall attempted to muzzle.
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ROF's Randy Yaloz and the Mount Rushmore State's Kristi Noem (MTF) |
Great post, Erik!
Thank you Erik.This was a very eclectic group of conservatives leaders ranging from extreme to moderate throughout Europe and America and the event was very well done. For me the most important issues personally were Freedom, Faith and Family and the disinegration of those values in both France and the US. A special thank you to all the organizers for their efforts despite the persecution. My only hope is that this will instigate conservatives in Europe to work together on common issues of importance to all. Edy Iversen
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