“The Conceptual Penis” was such an obvious gag that no one could have taken the ludicrous paper seriously — no one except a gender studies scholar
Starting in June of 2017, three academics — James Lindsay, Helen
Pluckrose, and Peter Boghossian — began writing intentionally ludicrous
papers under false names and submitting them to peer-reviewed academic
journals. The authors mimicked the catchphrases and buzzwords of the
“grievance studies” fields they sought to expose — the language of
intersectionality, privilege, and feminism.
Benny Huang on
Liberty Unyielding (welcome
Maggie's Farm readers).
Though the papers were fake, the experiment was very real.
The hoaxers wanted to see if the hallowed journals’ peer reviewers
could discern twaddle from real scholarship. In short: the reviewers
couldn’t, at least not when it appealed to their prejudices.
The experiment was interrupted in October 2018 when a Wall Street Journal reporter, Jillian Kay Melchior, exposed the project. Melchior had noticed one of the papers, “Dog Park,”
which focused on “dog rape culture,” and found it just too ridiculous
to be believed. She apparently had more sense than the staff of Gender, Place & Culture, which gladly published the confabulated paper.
By the time the Wall Street Journal blew the whistle, twenty papers
had been submitted in total. Seven papers had been accepted, though only
four had been published; seven others were at various stages of review
and only six had been rejected.
Gender, Place & Culture even recognized “Dog Park”
as “excellent scholarship,” and no wonder — its subtitle was “Human
reactions to rape culture and queer performativity at urban dog parks in
Portland, Oregon.” I’m sure they lapped that up with a spoon.
The paper’s pseudonymous author, “Helen Wilson,” claimed to have
based her findings on a data set consisting of just fewer than ten
thousand canine genital inspections. This was so crazy that “Wilson” —
who is actually James Lindsay — expected some much-deserved incredulity.
But it never came. Not only did the journal fail to question the data
set; it didn’t lift a finger to determine the identity of “Helen
Wilson,” much less to verify her credentials as an expert. They simply
accepted Dr. Wilson as an authority in doggie sexuality.
“We flattered what they wanted to hear and then they told us it was an important contribution to feminist geography,” said James Lindsay.
As a college grad myself, I can tell you that this is exactly how
academia works. Students learn early on that the key to academic success
is to emulate the style, tone, and above all the message of their
professors. If the profs are talking endlessly about the “social
construction of whiteness” — or maleness, or heteronormativity — they
should too. That’s how to get an A, how to get recommended for grad
school, and how to get hired as an adjunct professor.
An environment like this is fertile ground for farcical “scholarship.”
And it’s been this way for years.
[Alan Sokal's 1996 paper about the social construction of gravity], and later Lindsay’s, Pluckrose’s, and Boghossian’s papers, stand as shining examples of Poe’s Law.
For the uninitiated, Poe’s Law states simply that it is impossible to
parody extremist views because the parody will inevitably be mistaken as
a genuine expression — even by people who hold those extremist views.
… Two of the more recent pranksters, Peter Boghossian and James Lindsay, had already scored a stand-alone hoax paper “The Conceptual Penis As A Social Construct,” which was published in Cogent Social Sciences,
a misnamed journal if ever there was one. The paper appeared in May
2017, which appears to be right before they undertook the more audacious
twenty papers project the following month.
“The Conceptual Penis” was such an obvious gag that no one could have
taken it seriously — no one except a gender studies scholar, which
tells us a lot about gender studies as a field. The thrust of the paper
is that penises “conceptually” cause global warming and all sorts of
other really bad stuff, an obvious attempt to suck up to their
reviewers’ biases.
The paper drips with misandry. Penises are bad because men are bad.
… The rush to publish anything that sounds sufficiently “woke” has an
equal but opposite counterpart — the reluctance to publish anything
considered reactionary.
… No paper, no matter how carefully researched and written, would ever be
published if it came to the “wrong” conclusions. Conversely, no paper,
no matter how sloppily written, would be rejected if it came to the
“right” conclusions. Conclusions drive the research, not the other way
around. …
mine's extrêmement sérieux méchant, - rip them panties off Honey!
Anonymous Reviewer - "But, ...but,...it all seemed so REAL!"
In high school i wrote a book report that was a bad review and got a very low grade on it. When i got to college i wrote another book report and gave it glowing praise though it was completely unremarkable and was rewarded with an A. I learned something about english teachers.
While I rarely agree with posts in this space, I'll gladly cheer until I'm hoarse for this one. Pretentious academic bullshit has been a personal bugaboo of mine since my undergraduate college days — and we're talking over 60 years.
Some things to keep in mind:
• Confirmation bias cuts in every direction. Right wing, left wing, wingless — everyone wants to support papers that hum with their pet buzzwords and buzz in harmony with their personal prejudices.
• Nobody wants to admit — even to themselves — that they don't have a clue what the words on the page in front of them mean.
• If it doesn't seem intelligible, that may be because it's unintelligible.
• Copy that's too dense to be readable may simply be a smokescreen disguising the total absence of meaningful content.
That's all I have to say, except, while I'm at it, to the jerk who told me in Lit 302: Classic and Romantic English Poetry class back in 1961 that I was a dimwit because I didn't get the "deep symbolism" in William Blake's line, "Tyger tyger burning bright/In the forests of the night...." I still say there's nothing to get, and I still say you're a smug phony and a pretentious dipstick.
Yours very crankily,
The New York Crank
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