Half the results published in peer-reviewed scientific journals are probably wrong

write Peter Wood and
David Randall in a Wall Street Journal piece entitled
How Bad Is the Government’s Science?
(thanks to
John Ioannidis,
now a professor of medicine at Stanford, made headlines with that
claim in 2005. Since then, researchers have confirmed his skepticism by
trying—and often failing—to reproduce many influential journal
… It seems as if there’s no end of “scientific truths” that just aren’t
… The
chief cause of irreproducibility may be that scientists, whether
wittingly or not, are fishing fake statistical significance out of noisy
data. If a researcher looks long enough, he can turn any fluke
correlation into a seemingly positive result. But other factors compound
the problem: Scientists can make arbitrary decisions about research
techniques, even changing procedures partway through an experiment. They
are susceptible to groupthink and aren’t as skeptical of results that
fit their biases. Negative results typically go into the file drawer.
Exciting new findings are a route to tenure and fame, and there’s little
reward for replication studies.
… A deeper issue is that the irreproducibility crisis has remained
largely invisible to the general public and policy makers. That’s a
problem given how often the government relies on supposed scientific
findings to inform its decisions. Every year the U.S. adds more laws and
regulations that could be based on nothing more than statistical
All government agencies should review the
scientific justifications for their policies and regulations to ensure
they meet strict reproducibility standards. The economics research that
steers decisions at the Federal Reserve and the Treasury Department
needs to be rechecked. The social psychology that informs education
policy could be entirely irreproducible. The whole discipline of climate
science is a farrago of unreliable statistics, arbitrary research
techniques and politicized groupthink.
Mr. Wood is president of the National Association of
Scholars. Mr. Randall is the NAS’s director of research and a co-author
of its new report, “The Irreproducibility Crisis of Modern Science.”
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