Over at the Constitution website,
Benny Huang has quite a provocative article:
Army chaplain Major Scott Squires brought the wrath of homosexuals and anti-theists upon himself when he recently opted himself out
of a marriage retreat he was supposed to lead because a lesbian couple
signed up. Squires, an ordained Southern Baptist minister stationed at
Fort Bragg, believed that he was doing right by his faith and Army
regulations when he rescheduled the event and asked another chaplain to
lead it.
But the Army still slammed him for discrimination.
It was plainly obvious that scenarios like this would arise after the
Supreme Court’s redefinition of marriage and the demise of Don’t Ask
Don’t Tell (DADT). Neither of those “gay rights” milestones had anything
to do with the privacy of anyone’s bedroom or even with the
relationship of two people to each other. Both were about ruthlessly
suppressing dissent.
Mikey Weinstein of the militantly anti-religious “Military Religious
Freedom Foundation” summed up the attitude pretty well when he commented
on the Squires affair:
“If you’re going to view same-sex couples as a
sin against god, you can either hold your tongue, change your attitude,
or get out of the military.”
Weinstein believes that any denomination that won’t accommodate
same-sex couples on marriage retreats should not be allowed to endorse
chaplains for military service. I glean from some of his other comments
that he believes the same should also apply to denominations that don’t
perform same-sex weddings. Weinstein’s exclusionary ban would impact
most major denominations including Catholics and nearly all
Evangelicals, leaving the military with a huge deficit of qualified
chaplains—which also happens to be Mikey’s lifelong dream. That’s not a
Make no mistake—Weinstein’s point-of-view is gaining momentum.
Chaplains will very soon be forced to conduct same-sex nuptials or be
kicked out. This was blatantly obvious eight years ago when the Defense
Department was carefully “studying” the effects of DADT repeal and yet
these concerns were pooh-poohed.
To be clear, Chaplain Squires did not exclude this couple from the
retreat though he would have been within his rights to do that. He
excluded himself so as not to run afoul of his conscience, the
Southern Baptist Convention, and Army regulations which require him to
remain in good standing with his sponsoring denomination.
But these two chicks still weren’t happy because attending a marriage retreat was never their intent.
Do they expect me to believe that they really wanted to attend a
marriage retreat conducted by a Southern Baptist preacher? This seems
incredible. For starters, the marriage retreat was presumably
Bible-based. Secondly, most marriage retreats focus on the complementary
nature of men and women—their similarities and differences, their
synergy, etc. It’s yin and yang stuff that doesn’t apply to yin and yin.
I can say with a high degree of certainty that this couple
didn’t really want to attend this retreat. What they wanted was to
provoke this exact conundrum. More than that they wanted Squires to face
disciplinary action and perhaps lose his commission.
So they ambushed him.
These kinds of ambushes are increasingly common.
[The equivalent in civilian life would be the bakers and the photographers ostracized, demonized, and sued for tens of thousands of dollars…]
Something similar
happened to Navy chaplain Wes Modder. His ordeal began when a homosexual
junior officer began to engage him in regular private conversations
about sexual sin in which the junior officer asked direct questions
about the morality of certain sexual practices including homosexuality.
Modder confirmed the teaching of two thousand years of Christianity and
told him that yes, God hasn’t crossed anal sodomy off the sin list as
much as our fallen world would like Him to.
Little did Modder know that the junior officer was taking notes of
their conversations. The backbiting snitch then proceeded to file an
Equal Opportunity complaint against the chaplain. According to the
five-page complaint the chaplain not only thought that homosexuality was
wrong but masturbation and pre-marital sex too! Apparently believing
these things makes a person unfit to be a chaplain in today’s military.
Note to Mikey Weinstein: This is why “holding your tongue” is not
good enough. Not content with merely shaming religious people into
silence, homofascists will literally interrogate others’ religious
beliefs just to ruin them.
The military, like society as a whole, is becoming an increasingly
hostile place for people of faith. Millions of people are living in fear
that their constitutionally-protected religious beliefs (and the free
exercise thereof!) will make them the homofascists’ next victims. So
they keep mum. They wait until they think they are in like-minded
company—at church perhaps—before feeling out the group to see if it’s
safe to speak. Then they say what they really believe in hushed tones
and with lots of apologetic caveats.
There’s a term for this. It’s called living “in the closet.”
Homosexuals won’t like me using this term of course, because they
claim it for themselves. Central to homosexuals’ identity is their
purported victimhood which they attribute to being a hated minority
forced to pretend to be something they are not.
It’s hard to see how the closet that homosexuals claim to have
emerged from is any different than the one that they force dissidents
liked Chaplains Squires and Modder to live in. The closet hasn’t
disappeared and they don’t want it to. They just want someone else to
live in it.
I know there are some people who honestly wish for a world in which
no one lives in the closet but I’m not sure that such a world can exist.
Nothing I’ve witnessed in the last twenty years of intolerant
homosexual activism has convinced me that homofascists can live side by
side with people who express even the mildest disapproval. The search
for a fleeting “third way” that leaves everyone feeling liberated is
If someone has to be in the closet, which I believe to be the case, let it be the homosexuals.
I must give some credit for this idea to former congressman Ron Paul,
the 1988 Libertarian Party candidate for president. For nearly two
decades Paul published newsletters that contained some off-the-wall
stuff mixed in with a
few hard truths
that many people just aren’t mature enough to handle. “Bring back the
closet!” he bellowed in the August 1990 issue. In June of that same year
he wrote:
“I miss the closet. Homosexuals, not to speak of the rest of
society, were far better off when social pressure forced them to hide
their activities.”
Amen to that, brother!
When homosexuals still lived in the closet they couldn’t harm us.
During my time in the Army, for example, chaplains weren’t ambushed for
their religious beliefs. No one was. But that’s because I served under
DADT. Homosexuals in the ranks, of which I’m sure there were a few,
couldn’t have been agitators and activists, much less bullies and
tattletales, without calling attention to themselves.
Each day I wake up and read a news item about the homofascist assault
on our freedoms and think to myself, ‘This wouldn’t be happening if
they were all still hiding.’ Take for example the recent re-nomination
of Chai Feldblum to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.
Feldblum is a militant lesbian who was originally appointed by President
Obama and recently
renominated by President Trump. Shame on him.
Feldblum does not respect the first amendment rights of anyone to disagree with or resist her movement’s agenda.
Said Feldblum:
“There can be a conflict between religious liberty and sexual liberty,
but in almost all cases the sexual liberty should win because that’s the
only way that the dignity of gay people can be affirmed in any
realistic manner.”
She’s right that there can be a conflict between these two things but
wrong to think that sexual liberty (if we can call it that) should
supersede the unambiguous words of the Constitution.
But that’s really beside the point. What matters is that Chai
Feldblum wouldn’t be a threat to our freedom if she had been born fifty
years earlier. She might still have been a lesbian but she would have
been a closeted one and her homofascist impulse would have been locked
away in the depths of her heart where it couldn’t hurt a fly.
The “closet” that homosexuals whine so much about was a defensive
apparatus for the rest of us. It ensured that the Chai Feldblums of this
world couldn’t bind together and enact the kind of tyranny that they
have succeeded in foisting upon us over the last two decades.
Under no circumstance should we apologize for using shame to defend
ourselves. Society uses shame to disincentivize all sorts of behaviors
including smoking, watching FOX News, telling racist jokes, and
questioning global warming. We certainly shame people who won’t get in
line with the homosexual agenda.
So what right do the shamers have to tell us we can’t shame them back?
Homosexuality was once the “love” that dare not speak its name—and if
we try hard enough, it could be again. Ron Paul was right when he said
society was better off when social pressure made these sexual deviants
keep quiet.
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