Rat invasion is an old problem in Paris
Alissa J Rubin
— and a new one — and it is hard to get a grip on.
In 2014, the city promised a 100 percent “de-ratization.”
the 19th century, rats terrified and disgusted Parisians who knew that
five centuries earlier, the creatures had brought the bubonic plague
across the Mediterranean.
plague ravaged the city, as it did much of Europe, killing an estimated
100,000 Parisians, between a third and half the population at the time.
It recurred periodically for four more centuries. Not surprisingly, the
experience left Paris with a millennium-long aversion to rodents.
Today, no one talks about a 100 percent rat-free Paris. But why is the problem worse now than in the past?
don’t know exactly why,” Mr. Demodice said. “I think it might be
because there is an overpopulation underground because the usual habitat
for this animal are the sewers, underground, not above ground.”
“Our work is to push them back down,” he said.
But why are they proliferating? Could it be everybody’s favorite scapegoat — the
European Union and its faceless, unaccountable bureaucrats?

Yes, it could.
regulations from Brussels, the European Union’s headquarters, have
forced countries to change how they use rat poison, said Dr. Jean-Michel
Michaux, a veterinarian and head of the Urban Animals Scientific and
Technical Institute in Paris.
old way of poisoning rodents involved a sort of deadly snack service in
which park employees put lethal pellets directly into the burrows where
the rats lived or sprinkled a poison powder along the underground
byways used by the rats.

… Now
the European Union requires that the poison be secured in small black
plastic boxes, known as bait stations, and the rats have to actively
seek it out. The United States has similar restrictions.
Paris, however, the rats can easily find a three-course meal much of
the year within a stone’s throw of their burrows — at least around the
Tour St. Jacques. And they appear to prefer a half-eaten baguette with
butter and ham, a piece of apple and an unfinished container of pasta,
prosciutto and peas.
park workers tasked with checking the poison boxes scattered every 25
feet among the shrubbery at the Tour St. Jacques did not find even one
breached by a rat last Friday.
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