Friday, November 18, 2016

In a democracy, it's never a good idea to mock the people for too long

In Le Figaro Ivan Rioufol writes that
In a democracy, it's never a good idea to mock the people for too long, accusing it of incarnating populism, or firing broadsides against those who speak in its name. For that type of scorn, Hillary Clinton paid dearly. A similar reaction is to be expected in France.
In Le Figaro Ivan Rioufol écrit qu'
En démocratie, il n'est jamais bon de se moquer trop longtemps du peuple, en l'accusant d'incarner le populisme, ou en accablant ceux qui parlent en son nom. Ce mépris [Hillary] Clinton l'a payé cher. Une semblable réaction est à attendre en France.