The Trump Pence campaign has sent out a
Second Debate Preparation Survey. Here is how one wag filled it out:
1. Which issue do you think Mr. Trump was strongest on during the first debate?
Fair trade
Foreign policy
Cutting taxes
Reducing $19-trillion debt
Job creation
Law and order
Other, please specify:
Not sure
2. Which issue do you think Mr. Trump should focus more on in the next debate?
Fair trade
Foreign policy
Cutting taxes
Reducing $19-trillion debt
Job creation
Law and order
Other, please specify:
Clinton and Obama must be constantly lumped together, as the purveyors of the (self-serving) view of an America that is evil (racist, sexist) and clueless in need of their generous management; as well as as one and the same architect of the fairy tale policies (domestic and foreign) of the past eight years
3. Should Trump call out Hillary for lying about her stance on the job-killing trade deal TPP during the first debate?
No Opinion
Other, please specify:
DP must point it out, yes, but must add that he is FORCED to do so, since the mainstream media is not doing its job.
4. Should Trump lay out how his business, private-sector experience will directly benefit the economy?
No Opinion
Other, please specify:
Sure thing, but what must be pointed out is that less government, fewer regulations, lower taxes, and fewer bureaucrats is the way forward.
5. Did you agree with Trump’s decision to call out Hillary for being in politics for 30 years and not accomplishing anything?
No Opinion
Other, please specify:
Other, please specify:
Concede that HC HAS accomplished something, indeed, the same as Obama (see 2 above): she has brought Americans more rules and regulations; she has brought Americans more and higher taxes; and she has brought more functionaries and bureaucrats into their lives
6. On the subject of Hillary’s emails, should Trump have brought up the fact that Hillary jeopardized our national security?
No Opinion
Other, please specify:
Yes, but more than that, DT must point out that he is forced to bring it up, given that the media has not covered national security under Hillary (and under Obama—see 2 above)), other than uncritically
7. Should Trump have brought up the Clinton Foundation’s pay-to-play schemes?
No Opinion
Other, please specify:
Again, what DT must do, additionally, is bring up the fact that he is FORCED to bring it up since the MEDIA has overlooked the issue.
8. Should Trump have brought up Hillary’s failure in Benghazi as a disqualification for the presidency?
No Opinion
Other, please specify:
DT should point out that Hillary AND Obama's failure (see 2) in Benghazi ought to serve as disqualification for the presidency. Again, point out that Hillary's failure in Banghazi is part and parcel of the liberal fairy tale that has been governing Washington for the past eight years (see 2 above): that being nice to America's enemies will make America, and the world, safer. Bring up what MItt Romney failed to bring up in 2012: How top Democrats all are like Obama whispering to Medvedev that Putin can count on him once the election is over; meaning they cozy up to foreign autocrats while dissing the American people — as "racists, sexists, xenophobes, Islamophobes"
9. Should Trump have called out Hillary’s massive Wall Street fundraising and the paid speeches that she refuses to release to the public?
No Opinion
Other, please specify:
DT should get specific, pointing out for instance that money received by the so-called champion of the poor for one speech is as much as the average person makes in two years (that was a wild-answer guess; I'll let your experts find the statistics, do the math, and come up with a viable comparison)
10. Should Trump attack Hillary as a life-long politician who has zero experience creating jobs?
No Opinion
Other, please specify:
Yes, but add that this is normal, as she is a government statist, like Barack (see 2 above); so she DOES have experience creating jobs: for lawyers, bureaucrats, and other types of parasites
11. Should Trump call out Hillary for flip-flopping on NAFTA and TPP in an attempt to gain votes from Bernie’s supporters?
No Opinion
Other, please specify:
Point out that flip-flopping is far from abnormal when, like Obama (see 2) and Bernie himself, your only "argument" consists in saying you are smarter than everyone else, you are more humane than everyone else, and you are more compassionate than everyone else.
Should Trump double down on the need to rebuild our infrastructure, and draw on his own experience in construction to get the job done?
No Opinion
Other, please specify:
Make sure that the private sector is central to the plan — and, indeed, get the government out of the way: point to the Hurricane Katrina example of the public bridges in New Orleans being out of order for weeks, if not months, while a private company's railroad bridge was repaired and rebuilt within 24 hours
13. When discussing cybersecurity, should Trump bring up Hillary’s unsecured secret server left vulnerable to hackers?
No Opinion
Other, please specify:
Point out that for Hillary, as for Obama (see 2 above), hobnobbing with foreign leaders is the norm, be they the sweetest democrats or the vilest autocrats, and thus the only enemy of both seem to be the clueless American people (see 14 below) — who at times, indeed, seem to be the only beings on the planet not to know the contents of the Hillary Clinton emails.
14. Should Trump address Hillary’s failure to take the threat of radical Islamic terrorism seriously?
No Opinion
Other, please specify:
Point out that for Hillary, the main enemy of America and of the world alike is the same as it has been under 8 years of Obama presidency (2): the American people (see 13 above), also known (self-servingly) to progressives like them as nothing better than "racists, sexists, and other types of xenophobes"
15. Should Trump talk about the importance of rebuilding our own country instead of nation-building abroad?
No Opinion
Other, please specify:
Yes, but within the the free market and of its private sectors: the best and quickest way to do this is to let the private sector loose (see 12)
16. Should Trump criticize Hillary’s tax hikes on the middle class as senator and plan to raise taxes as president?
No Opinion
Other, please specify:
Point out that for Democrats in general, raising taxes, making more rules, and creating more bureaucrats is the norm. YOU know that the average American is perfectly capable of living a perfectly good life — indeed, a better one — with less of all of the aboves.
17. Should Trump paint Hillary as someone who has betrayed working-class policies in favor of Wall Street?
No Opinion
Other, please specify:
Explain that the whole Democrat Party has abandoned the working class — for which, these days, it has nothing but disdain and contempt.
18. Should Trump continue to tie Hillary to Obama’s failed policies including ObamaCare and the Iran Deal?
No Opinion
Other, please specify:
Again, these are the fairy tales that liberals love to tell themselves — which involves using the taxpayer's money for the most insane of schemes — while ramming it down everyone else's throat. Add this: Hillary is the successor to one Obama, who has been called the most intelligent man in the history of the nation. Well, say that, indeed, neither you (DT) nor Ted Cruz nor Marco Rubio nor any of the Bush brothers would ever have dreamed of sending not $100 million, not $1 billion, but $100 billion to the ayatollahs of a terrorist-sponsoring nation regularly holding mass demonstrations with shouts for "Death to America!"
19. Should Trump continue to promote his tax plan that will cut taxes in order to stimulate the economy for ALL Americans?
No Opinion
Other, please specify:
Yes, and for this reason: unlike the left, which views the average American as a spoiled brat (also, see 20 below), he knows that the average American can be trusted to take care of his own life
20. Should Trump attack Hillary for referring to tens of millions of American men and women as “deplorables”?
No Opinion
Other, please specify:
BY ALL MEANS! Point out that this is the CENTRAL TENET of the Democrat Party today, and that Hillary will continue eight years' of Obama Fairy tale policies (see 2) of the average American being considered nothing but racist, clueless clods needing MAGNANIMOUS OVERLORDS like themselves to rule over the American people and manage their lives. Add that this is normal, when — like Hillary and Obama — you think that
you are wiser than everyone else, that you are more compassionate than
everyone else, and that you are more humane than everyone else — i.e.,
that you are superior to everyone else.
21. Should Trump bring up the importance of not only the Supreme Court, but also the next president’s ability to appoint many federal judges?
No Opinion
Other, please specify:
Point out that Leftists like BO and HC want to judges to get the government to INTERVENE in people's everyday lives — such as the ridiculous bathroom conundrum — while Republicans want judges who, when necessary, will keep the government OUT OF people's lives
22. Should Trump point to his history of employing thousands of Americans as evidence of his firsthand experience and ability to create jobs?
No Opinion
Other, please specify:
Again, point out that he is FORCED to do so, since the media will hardly write anything positive about his campaign, as contrasted with its unwillingness to write anything negative about Hillary's campaign.
23. Should Trump hammer Hillary on wanting to enact more of Obama’s regulations that have stunted the economy and prevented small businesses from growing or even starting up?
No Opinion
Other, please specify:
The big dream of government statists like Hillary and Barack is using government to give stuff to people; for that to have any value, people must not be rich. This is their dream, then: to make Americans poor! POOR enough to have to turn to government. In that perspective: Why not bring up the Country & Western song line, "They’ll turn us all into
beggars ’cause they’re easier to please" ("Government Cheese" by the
24. Should Trump focus on Hillary’s proud claim to put a lot of coal miners out of business?
No Opinion
Other, please specify:
Same answer as 23: The big dream of government statists like Hillary and Barack is using government to give stuff to people; for that to have any value, people must not be rich. This is their dream, then: to make Americans poor! POOR enough to have to turn to government. In that perspective: Why not bring up the Country & Western song line, "They’ll turn us all into beggars ’cause they’re easier to please" ("Government Cheese" by the Rainmakers)?
25. Should Trump emphasize the importance of harnessing American energy in order to grow our economy and reduce the cost of gas at the pump?
No Opinion
Other, please specify:
America was once a can-do nation; it's time to Make America a Can-Do Nation Again
26. Should Trump spend more time articulating plans to rein in corruption in D.C.?
No Opinion
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Say that the VERY act of getting rid of thinning the ranks of bureaucrats and getting rid of bureaucracies as well as departments (education? etc) will — of NECESSITY — rein in government corruption.
27. Should Trump paint Hillary as the epitome of D.C. corruption and the close relationship between lobbyists and politicians?
No Opinion
Other, please specify:
Simply ask how on Earth she can consider herself to be a factor for change with all her history.
28. Should Trump accuse Hillary of representing everything that everyday Americans are worried about in Washington?
No Opinion
Other, please specify:
Say that it is worse than that: that, with Obama, she is creating a permanent oligarchy.
29. Should Trump speak directly to the American voters at home and defend our positive message for America?
No Opinion
Other, please specify:
Doesn't he already?!
30. Do you have any personal advice for Donald Trump for the next debate?
As the webmaster of a 12-year-old blog, No Pasarán, I would say something like this: point to the Founding Fathers — those people who are not taught in school anymore, in favor of more and more ridiculous victim groups. 240 years ago, they told autocrats like King George one basic truth: that the average person is equal, and can be believed to take care of his or her affairs alone, without minimal "assistance" from the government.