Saturday, September 10, 2016

Many of the Contenders for the "America's Rudest City" Title Include Cities Which Have Had No Republican Mayor for at Least the Past Half Century

Among the World's top Unfriendliest Cities are Boston, Washington (“Bobby Kennedy was right!” said a T+L reader. “[It’s] a city with Southern efficiency and Northern charm”), Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York, and Los Angeles.

Meanwhile, America's rudest cities include Philadelphia, Boston, Chicago, San Francisco, and Seattle.
Three-time-champion Los Angeles, home of road rage, went head-to-head with classically brusque East Coast cities such as Boston, New York, and Washington, D.C.—all of which landed in the top five.
Travel + Leisure explains:
Every year, Travel + Leisure sifts through tens of thousands of World’s Best Awards surveys to better understand where our readers love to go, and why. Of course, the responses say just as much, if not more, about what our readers don’t like.

We asked readers to rank 266 cities on everything from their access to art and culture to the friendliness of their people: and some cities failed to warm tourists’ hearts. Not surprisingly, many of the cities that found themselves on our 2015 Unfriendliest Cities in America list (based on separate data from our annual America’s Favorite Places survey) were also called out in this census …
Is there any likelihood that rudeness and unfriendliness, at least within the United States, is linked to this?
Chicago hasn’t had a Republican mayor for 85 years.
Detroit hasn’t had a Republican mayor for over 50 years.