Never in the last 60 years has the length of joblessness been this longreported Scott Pelley on 60 Minutes for CBS News in 2012 in its section on "Americans Trapped in Unemployment" and that, for "more than a year" (via Sarah Hoyt's link to JC Carlton's When You Are Looking For Help The Last Thing You Need Is Hostility).

Congratulations, America: you have voted for a party, and a man, who wanted to "fundamentally transform the United States" and make it into Europe.
Into Europe, where governments dictate health care rules and where the ensuing rules help ensure that new employees are not hired into companies who no longer feel they can afford the price.
Into Europe, where poor and jobless citizens consequently need to turn to the state for aid, and for whose politicians who promise the intervention of "helpful" bureaucrats into their lives the said citizens subsequently vote…