Those all sound like very good advice, and very sound recommendations, but the question becomes, why don't people give this advice to the appropriate person?
Why, to be specific, don't they give these recommendations to… Donald Trump?
As the Texas senator explained the next morning to the Texas Delegation:
That pledge was not a blanket commitment that if you go and slander and attack Heidi, that I'm going to nonetheless come like a servile puppy dog and say "Thank you very much for maligning my wife and maligning my father." …/… neither he [Trump] nor his campaign has ever taken back a word they said about my family.Isn't it Donald Trump that it is up to to get over it, to say "this is politics", to forgive and forget, and to unify the party?
In other words, isn't it up to the Donald to make amends?
Related: Some Questions for the the GOP's Cruz Haters
PS: In answer to the question,
What about the personal attacks against Melania that started this whole thing?I replied as follows:
Was that attack (not those attacks), that meme, really, on Melania made by Ted or by his campaign? They certainly say it wasn't. Although a pro-Cruz Tea Party was behind it, they deny all involvement. You think that they are lying? Sure, that happens.
But the attacks on Heidi (also a meme) and on Ted's father (something far far worse) were certainly made by the Donald and by his campaign. Doesn't it seem that accusing another candidate's father of not only being involved in murder, but to be a conspirator in one of the 20th century's grandest tragedies, might — generously — be described as "beyond the pale" (not to mention, uh, ludicrous)?