It was ten years ago this month that the Supreme Court handed down the odious Kelo v. New London decision legitimizing the expansion of eminent domain powers to include the seizure of property for private interests

Benny Huang, who counts it among the court’s worst decisions.
Not as bad as Roe v. Wade, but pretty atrocious.
Eminent domain is a fancy phrase that means nothing more than the
government taking private property from its owner and putting it to
public use. Eminent domain is authorized under the takings clause of the
Fifth Amendment which permits governments to seize property as long as
the owner is paid “just compensation,” which has been traditionally
interpreted to mean market value. In other words, the government has to
pay but the owner can’t refuse to sell.
For more than two centuries, “public use” was understood to mean
government use. If the state wants to build a highway it doesn’t need to
convince every single property owner along its path to sell. As unjust
as that may sound, the alternative is unworkable.
In the Kelo case, a group of private citizens sued the City of New
London, Connecticut to avoid losing their homes to Pfizer, Inc., a
private company that manufactures pharmaceuticals.
Wait a second, can they do
that? Surely, eminent domain doesn’t permit private companies to take
people’s homes. That was the issue before the court. The legal geniuses
in robes decided that yes, private companies can take your property as
long as they use the government as a middle man.
Here’s how it works: a private company decides that they want to raze
a few city blocks to build a new office complex. First, they ask the
inhabitants to sell. If the inhabitants want too much or refuse to sell
at any price, the company bypasses them and goes to city hall instead.
They convince the bureaucrats that their project is the answer to all
their prayers, that it will result in a lot of jobs, and most
importantly, tax revenue. A single multinational corporation
will probably pay more in taxes than all of those working stiffs
combined. It helps if the city condemns the property first, though
that’s a formality and everyone knows that the property is only being
condemned because a private company is salivating over the real estate.
After seizing the property, the city sells it to the corporation.
That’s the reality of eminent domain in the twenty-first century. We
can “thank” the purveyors of the “living, breathing” Constitution for
this injustice. The Fifth Amendment, though thoroughly unambiguous,
doesn’t mean the same thing today as it did in days gone by. When the
Constitution can mean anything, it means nothing.
… Howard Dean … seemed unaware that it was the
liberal wing of the court—Ginsburg, Souter, Breyer, Kennedy, and
Stevens—who approved this monstrosity. The court’s liberals even seemed swayed by
the city’s argument that more tax revenue was a public good in and of
itself, and therefore seizing the property amounted to public use. While
big business’s hands are not clean in this affair, it was the
government, driven by its insatiable appetite for tax revenue, that
yanked these people from their homes.
File it under ‘lessons learned’: the behemoth of government devours
the little people first. Powerful people cut deals. These days, they
don’t even have to resort to the proverbial “back room.” All business is
conducted up front.
Pfizer never did build its complex in New London. The jobs and tax
dollars never materialized. In 2009 it sold the property and left town,
leaving a vacant lot where a tight-knit neighborhood once stood.