[An FCC Commissioner in person] is sounding the alarm about an attempted federal takeover of the internet
Benny Huang. Ajit Pai
recently received the Obama
Administration’s 322-page plan for “net neutrality” and he finds it
appalling. He’d like to share his specific objections with the +public
but he can’t because the plan is under wraps until the Federal
Communications Commission (FCC) votes on it.
Would you expect anything less from the
most transparent administration in history?

Secret plans to regulate the
internet are circulated among the unelected members of a commission,
who then make huge decisions with ramifications that will be felt around
the globe, and we’re not allowed to know what they’re considering until
the decision has been made. Par for the course.
… Those of us who are … skeptical tend to see “net neutrality” as
little more than a government takeover of the internet, something
Washington has been itching to do for years. All they needed was an
excuse and finally they’ve found it. Capitalizing on a popular and not
necessarily unfounded distrust of corporations, the government will
seize control of the freest, most egalitarian means of communication
known to man…and strangle it with regulation.
Surely, you wouldn’t want ISP’s to prioritize search results for a
fee, would you? Just empower the government to protect you from this huge problem that you probably didn’t even know existed and you won’t have to worry.
Supporters of net neutrality are already complaining that dissenters
are mere conspiracy theorists steeped in misinformation. Net neutrality
isn’t a government seizure of the internet, they argue, it’s simply a
set of rules that prohibits corporations from favoring users or content.
Call me crazy, but I think that a policy like that could be expressed
in a few sentences. Why then is the administration’s net neutrality
policy 322 pages long? And why hasn’t it been released to the public?
… Net neutrality is essentially Obamacare for the web—a government
takeover, sold to the public as a means of protecting us from
corporations, which is in fact supported by the corporations that are
supposed to hate it, which will invariably give us a crappier product at
a higher price.
The problem with the internet is that it’s just too liberated for our
leviathan federal government to tolerate. People can say stuff on the
internet without fear of censorship. They can buy and sell things
without paying the tax man. They can organize political movements that
the government would rather suffocate. In short, the World Wide Web
(WWW) closely resembles the Wild Wild West, and that really scares the
control freaks in Washington.
… The beauty of the internet is that it’s an open space for the free
exchange of goods, services, information, and most importantly, ideas.
Whatever minimal degradation of that freedom that might result from
your ISP providing preferential treatment to paying customers does not
merit government intrusion. It’s a red herring anyway—the government
doesn’t want to control the internet to protect you from Comcast, a
corporation that is already abiding by the supposed principles of net
neutrality on a voluntary basis. The government wants to control the
internet because it’s in the business of control and it can’t stand to
sit idly by while a domain of nearly limitless freedom is permitted to