Benjamin Duffy, a reader of No Pasaréan from its earliest days as well as
an Iraq veteran whose post writings have been frequently linked on this blog, is now
an author in his own right. He was already the author of
a novella, his first book is out, and its title sounds heroic enough:
We Are Fat and We Are Legion!
fat civil rights activist Gabby Medeiros's supersized boyfriend decides
to lose weight, he unwittingly forms a fissure in their relationship.
Can their relationship survive? As a fat acceptance warrior, Gabby
necessarily rejects dieting as unhealthy and counterproductive.
telephone bill collector by day, she spends two evenings a week doing
what she really loves: pontificating from her position at the local
radio station about the evils of the diet industry and a society that
shames those who don't fill out the proper dimensions. Though people
sometimes snicker at the cause she holds so dear, fat acceptance is very
serious business for Gabby. When her live-in beau Denny Emory tells her
that he is going to lose weight in order to control his diabetes, Gabby
advises against it. Slowly, his diet changes the very dynamic of their
relationship, to the point that Gabby questions whether it will survive.
FYI, I can confirm that
Ben seems to have changed little, physically speaking, since
the first time I met him, he has not gained weight, and he is still a slender, well-built guy. As for his new title, the first person to write a book review on Amazon sounds enthusiastic:
Loved the story and I was amazed at the amount of medical research done by Ben. I almost thought it was really OK to be fat.