…among liberal commentators and millions of other Americans, there is a great deal of flawed thinking
about whether [Anthony] Weiner should resign
Dennis Prager who points out that "Most Americans understand that Congress, like every other institution, including their local church and synagogue, is composed of sinners."
The two most common arguments offered against his resigning have been that (1) what Weiner did was not illegal and (2) it was not even as bad as an extramarital affair because he never met, let alone had physical contact with, any of the women to whom he sent naked and semi-naked photos of himself.

The argument's entirely beside the point.
The point — the whole point — is the effect of what he did on the United States House of Representatives and on the country as a whole, especially young people.
There is a simple way to prove this. Let us imagine that some congressman had walked onto the House floor in his underwear. I think it is fair to assume that just about every Democrat and Republican in the country would demand his resignation. But why? That action is not illegal, and it certainly does not constitute a form of infidelity to his wife.
The reason people would demand his resignation is that such behavior disgraced the House of Representatives.
That is the issue here. When a member of Congress sends pictures of his penis to women around the country, he has demeaned Congress.
And he has done so far more than any member of Congress whose extramarital affair was publicly disclosed.
…I cannot think of a single event that symbolizes the decline of American society — and especially of its liberal elite — as much as Weiner's actions and his retention of his seat in Congress.
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