You don’t get peristroyka through enablement. A group of recently freed Cuban dissidents ask the EU to stop its’ misguided policy of friendly engagement with Havana.
On their arrival in Spain, nine of the 52 political prisoners whose release was announced by the Castro regime on 8 July announced "that they would like to consult with the European Parliament before next September’s review of the EU’s Common Position on Cuba, which has remained unchanged since 1996."With a flair for having more unbridled rage Gitmo detainees than the entire Cuban population, it comes as no surprise to find the reaction of the Precambrian 68ers now ruling Festung Europa to be more ‘reactionary’, and subject to the conditioned reaction of a state of ‘false consciousness’.
One of the freed dissidents, Normando Hernández, who had been sentenced to 25 years in prison, described the Cuban government’s decision as "a smokescreen," and further insisted abandoning the Common Position would be an “aberration” because "its objectives have yet to be attained."Without pointing out the political ideology of Spain’s foreign minister, a member of the Socialist Worker’s Party, the article continues:
This view not shared by Spanish Foreign Affairs Minister Miguel Angel Moratinos, who, during a recent visit to the island, announced that there was "no reason" for the EU to maintain its Common Position on Cuba.Emphasis mine. After all, you know a left-leaning Spanish paper surely wouldn’t want to draw too much attention to the reality of ‘real, living socialism’.
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