Like the Jenin ‘massacre’, calling the raid on the passive-aggressive flotilla ‘piracy’, a ‘crime against humanity’, and other overblown phrases that have lost all their force, we find that hatred now directed at anyone discussing it as well.
The Pavlovian Politically Correct Responses ain’t what they used to be. Melanie Philips, known to be one of those people who doesn’t fetishize ‘Palestina’, and follows actual events there received these charming and witty bonne mots:
What a disgrace to humanity the zionists have proven to be. I am of the firm opinion that Hitler was right in the assessment of the Jewish people. The protestors deaths have not been in vain as the support for Gaza & Palestine has reached all communities all over the world. It will only be a matter of time before they obtain their freedom.As if they are denied their freedoms by the Israelis.
Have the honesty to let people know you are Jewish when you are voicing an opinion on TV. I understand why you are so ashamed.Its time the Jewish Sate of Israel was abolished. Have your religion but no state.Which is the basic problem, no? Detached, hateful Europeans thinking that they have the right of refusal over what people can believe and whether or not they can exist.
All in the name of ‘peace’ you know, and Hamas taxing or stealing the aid given by gullible outsiders.

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