Monday, May 03, 2010

Conservatives' Heroes: Are They Wretched Hypocrites with Nothing But Low, Treacherous Motives for Meeting Their Foes-To-Be Two Decades Earlier?

Remember the photo of Donald Rumsfeld meeting Saddam Hussein that was supposed to be, in and of itself, a damning condemnation of the Iraq War (which occurred 20 years (!) after a photo supposed to be indicative of the normal day-to-day diplomatic relations between two nations that were not at war at the time, not to mention photos far less prevalent than images of this type) as well as the last word on the Bush administration's — or on America's — alleged hypocrisy towards Saddam Hussein?

What if I told you a photo existed of Winston Churchill meeting with… the German Kaiser?! Would that be a reason to condemn Winston, and/or the British Empire, for going to war with Germany either in the Great War (World War I) or in World War II?

Well, the photos exist (five years prior to the Great War and — yes — exactly 20 years prior to World War II) — so we're waiting for new history books (some some sort of Howard Zinn type?) to appear (wait — one already exists), slamming that confounded hypocrite, Winston Churchill, as well as that despicable war-mongering nation, the United Kingdom…

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