A discussion forum at the Granf Mosque of Lyons, one of those things that Casper loves so much, had as the basis of discussion the future Muslim led Shoah. Following is a partial translation of a report by French blog Bivouac-id.
Disturbing. It was under a banner proclaiming the "Peace and love between peoples", as peaceful Muslims of Lyons discussed on the website forum of the Grand Mosque of Lyon how the Jews will be exterminated by Muslims.Others still sound like they could have fit right into the circus outside the Bella center in Copenhagen this past winter:
Abdel Hamid is the assumed name of "Global Moderator" of the forum that initiated a discussion entitled "The Jews know. He suspects "the Jews" to be planting avocado trees in an attempt to escape their fateful destiny of being slaughtered to the last Jew by Muslims.In fact he learned that "when Muslims and Jews go to war, there will be no weapons, but rather everything is again as it was before in the time of the prophet, with swords, and the like.
He adds that the prophet said in a hadith: when this war is waged, stones and trees will say to Muslims: There is a Jew behind me, come and kill him! ".
Abdel Hamid believes that this tree should be the avocado, which explains that the Jews are planting millions he said.
Um talha, an "active member" replied saying that all of this is true, that the Jews know, but the tree that denounces Jews to Muslims is not avocado, but the "al-Gharqad "and gives the reference: a hadith related by Imam Ahmad that he certifiesto be "authentic ".
At that point a non-registered guest chimes in to this nut house, saying that he looks forward to the end of the world and the disappearance of all the technology invented by infidels. He prefers the time as the time of the prophet, "you had nothing but your camel". He then imagines that a computer failure will paralyze the world, and will end the reign of technology. Or perhaps the end of oil .... Then he wisely concluded that if Muslim engange in the genocide of Jews for religious reasons, that we must not hate them.And don’t think for a moment that this is an arcane little meeting of old men set in their ways.
On this internet forum hosted by the Great Mosque of Lyon there are 1870 related messages since the thread started, which is relatively small and given the low attendance it looks completely controllable. [ed.: writing sarcastically] This discussion dates to July and August 2008, and is still online. Since the leaders of the mosque do not seem shocked by it, I turn therefore to the leaders of this country: Is this acceptable, given the tone of their sacred texts inciting believers to kill not just Jews, but also Christians, polytheists, and atheists as well? Is it wise to continue to permit the immigration of Muslims into the country?One wonders if more than one or two people would notice if anyone from any other faction of their society left a bulletin board thread imploring mass murder. I somewhat doubt it, even those who would be otherwise dismissed as being wrapped up in youthful Anarchy fantasies like neo-fascists and the extreme-left (palliatively and euphemistically called la gauche de la gauche in the media) would be intervened upon.
But not this crowd.
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