Quelle couleur, les amerloques en question ? Contrairement à ce qui se passe chez nous, les SDF sont souvent des Noirs, là-bas.The working of the French public’s mind where politics (or cultural animosity – same thing) is fascinating, at least from an ethological perspective. The usual Munichois commenters at FDS run across and equally fevered story at Rue89 about the City of New York “exporting its’ homeless to France”, carefully omitting information to permit those who enjoy wallowing in their agony to assume that they are shipping over a thousand crazy bums who show signs of violent mood swings.
It turns out that we’re talking about a voluntary program of family reunification for down on their luck folk to get back on their feet somewhere where they can be more firmly grounded, and (as would interest the sofa-bound “revolutionaries” at Rue89 and the crackpot nationalists supremacists,) a couple and their three children rejoining the childrens’ grandmother in Normandy.
“The person I spoke to in the shelter informed me that if I have a person I could stay with in Puerto Rico, that I could get help to go,” said Mr. Correa, who worked as a mechanic in Carolina, on the north shore of the island. They will stay with Ms. Mojica’s father. “I feel very happy because I’m going to be able to get back to do the things that I know how to do,” he said.The usual amusement, of course is all taking place in at François’ fever swamp, where several punctilious francophone correctors of others’ details refer to Hizzoner as Blumberg. Several first reactions had nothing to do with the piece, but leap to ask if “Blumberg” is a Jew, and one of the first wonder “quelle couleur” that massive horde of SDF “Newyorkais” is.
Ce bloomberg , maire feuj de N.Y.,a le même comportement qu’un certain Adolf H.,de sinistre mémoire…- which is funny, given the usual soft touch they take to Hitler, and just about any other fascist that Europe has created.
In other words, all the usual, garden variety questions you get from a French citizen when they have the chance to hate anonymously. All without thinking for a moment that this same bunch of mental knob polishers is wild for the idea of ejecting from France anyone who resembles a foreigner to them, often regardless of their citizenship, impact on the state treasury, or much else.
Of course no francophone day can be complete without a good conspiracy theory suggestion , where one must immediately confuse random, self-serving opinion for fact as well!:
Vous n’y êtes pas les amis. Cette solution n’est que temporaire, car une fois que la construction des tours remplaçantes du défunt « World Trade Center » sera achevée, et bien les SDF new-yorkais pourront rentrer chez eux, et ils ne seront plus SDF.I wonder what day of theirs’ is really complete without some nutty “troofer” theorization, mentioning (as someone does with this item) a vague link between the name “Blumberg”, the existence of “financiers”, and Israeli technology exports. All such murky and menacing stuff. There has to be a link!
Mes sources, je les tiens de Larry Silverstein (le gars qui a racheté le complexe du « World Trade Center » juste 5 semaines avant les attentats du 11 septembre et qui a pris une double assurance contre tout accident, et contre tout attentat, double JackPot), de Frank Lowy, de Lewis Eisenberg, et de Ronald S. Lauder.
What practically split my gut was the Desouche commenter that called this the “deuxième débarquement”, or 2nd D-Day, as if America’s target was France. There’s more sincerity there than you would think. As far as the FDS reader’s political proclivities are concerned, since D-Day did spell the beginning of the end for Fascism, they WERE under attack.
The psychic pain of being that stupid must be a heavy burden. That too is obviously the generalized fault of America, no doubt.
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