One day, America is responsible for the manipulating the Parisian ‘hoods for some unspecified nefarious reason, the next, the US is responsible for the creation of the EU to enfeeble it for some other unspecified nefarious reason.
[The EU is] "A ploy to weaken and dominate Europe. After 52 years, Europe ‘the mess’ does not. "The theory goes among these power and control obsessed creeps is that the only reason humanity doesn’t worship their being, and the reason that the Reich isn’t on the march, is some sort of conspiracy. As if anyone on earth had the time, energy, or interest to do that. I suppose a delusion like that let’s one believe that one matters or something.
As if they need any outside help to enfeeble themselves. Left, right, or center: they are more likely to find authoritarianism glossed over with some childish, elementary demonization more appealing than anything else.
To the commenter’s we can only advise upping their Lexapro, because as always we find this kind of thing:
"Europe, a confederation of sovereign nations and continent-white fortress world"Which is interesting since the US doesn’t make a habit of annexing territory, but the boundaries of the EU have been growing – largely through what reeks of economic intimidation. Do you really think the Romanians have much of a chance “going it alone”? Hell no. Resources in a snap AND you get new buddies to dream the cross-burning dream with. It’s a win-win for the crypto-nazis mentality that is a lot more common than you would think.
"And based for [America’s] expansion"
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