Wednesday, September 13, 2006

I think you can come out now

How is it that all of these alarmist crackpots sound alike when they make irresponsible allegations and absurd predictions?
A sidewalk handbill, Philadelphia, PA, USA:

Alas, when in doubt, revise:
« A titre privé j’avais fait la prévision que les Etats-Unis interviendraient militairement en Iran en 2005. Je me suis révélé un prophète aux capacités bien limitées. Mais je me demande maintenant si nous devons nous en réjouir en 2006. »

I had forecasted that the United States would intervene militarily in Iran in 2005. It seems I'm a rather unskilled fortuneteller. But I wonder now if we’ll be able to expect it in 2006.
Thank the fantasists, their endless opimism, and their persistence in the face of history. 12 September has become a international holiday marked by watching the faces of the overraught turn red, tap their feet and imitate Gilda Radner: Never mind!

If you want to ask them WHY the nuking hasn't started yet, you can call them at (code+)325-670-9494, or drop them a line at

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