"Make Poverty History" campaign pledges not being delivered
«Charities have accused celebrities of "hijacking" the Make Poverty History campaign and said pledges to cut the gap between rich and poor nations has had little impact.It gets worse. Tories have been dragged onto the Kultursmog-mobile, and Saint Sir Geldof the Magnificent is to advise Tories on global poverty relief. And because we’re talking about conservatives, he was asked questions that they would never pose otherwise, forcing him to answer with stuff like:
"There are celebrities who really didn't seem to know what they were talking about and (musician and campaigner) Bob Geldof's comments after G8 were very unhelpful because they made people think everything had been achieved."
Geldof described the summit as "mission accomplished, frankly" giving "10 out of 10" for pledges on increasing aid by 50 billion dollars each year and "eight of 10" on writing off unpayable debts.
But Timms said that while "some progress" had been made on debt relief "we have yet to see any of those pledges translated into a penny for the poorer countries and there was no progress on trade".»
«Anti-poverty campaigner Bob Geldof insisted that he was "in no-one's pocket" after agreeing to advise a Conservative party policy group tasked with creating a strategy to defeat global poverty.»
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