By likening the murder of 3,000 people and the efforts to take out the US government to a series of mistakes that added up to a catastrophe, Obama has defined evil down in a fashion that does immense violence to good sense, good taste and good leadership.Update: Plantu is hardly the only French cartoonist to compare "an unwanted disaster to a conscious act of war, [thereby] adding an improper moral dimension to the effort to clean up the Gulf", as Delucq joins in the evil-down-defining "fun"…
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Defining evil down in a fashion that does immense violence to good sense, good taste, and good leadership
Once more, Plantu makes an inappropriate comparison with 9-11, and that on the front page of Le Monde (and that's not even taking into account that no tanker was involved in the Deepwater Horizon disaster).

To quote John Podhoretz (merci, Professor Reynolds) — speaking of the Apologizer-in-Chief's efforts to do the same: