Behold the results of this self referential hell of their own making: EUtopia disappointed that bad people aren’t reading their memos.
Until now, the EU thought it was enough to fire off a flurry of press releases, killing more trees then people have died in Darfur, to express its worry.Reading the news, it’s actually hard to tell this is a mocking parody. Never in the history of civilization has so much “concern” amounted to so little of anything meaningful.
But being ignored for four years has so irritated the EU that its previous strategy of sending off a letter, then another letter and another letter, expressing “concern,” and then “deep concern” and then “grave concern,” will be replaced with a new system expressing faux grief.
From now on, the EU will step up its concern. First, a special team of analysts in air-conditioned rooms in Brussels will identify world “hot spots” to figure out where the most people are being killed and then brief EU leaders on what to say to avoid angering anyone over anything. New Europe has obtained a memo outlining the steps that will be taken:Meanwhile, one man gets it right without quite realizing it:
“The EU will follow the following steps that must be followed to follow before we follow-up,” it said:
l We will “urge” governments to take action against injustice and stop killing people. That will be followed by a letter of “urgent urgency” and then, only as a last resort, “gotta go to the bathroom right now urgency”
A German pensioner has been arrested for spraying rude graffiti.
The 70-year-old was caught splaying the word 'puff', German for whorehouse, on houses in the Bavarian town of Hof.
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