Friday, August 09, 2024

The "Gayest Olympics Ever": Twenty minutes into the future 2009 & 2024

 Damien Bennett can hardly be described as being impressed by the Olympic Games in Paris:

Twenty minutes into the future 2009:
We Are All Socialists Now [Newsweek] February 6, 2009

Twenty minutes into the future 2024:
Hat tip to DH who clued me to #Paris2024.

Oh, and then there is this:
Apparent Drag ‘Parody Of Last Supper’ At Paris 2024 Olympics Opening Ceremony Sparks Controversy July 26, 2024
The Olympics said the performance was an “interpretation of the Greek God [of wine and festivity] Dionysus” to make “us aware of the absurdity of violence between human beings.”
These stupid f*cks -- a key feature of a Dionysian bacchanal was sparagmos:

"In Dionysian rite as represented in myth and literature, a living animal, or sometimes even a human being, is sacrificed by being dismembered. Sparagmos was frequently followed by omophagia (the eating of the raw flesh of the one dismembered)."
These stupid f*cks know nothing, absolutely nothing. Not a one with a passing acquaintance of Euripides:

Pentheus Torn Apart By His Mother Agave And Auntie Ino

Academia has given us generations of cos-play know-nothings preening around the edges of make-believe telling the rest of us what's what. Generations of morons, who, thankfully, haven't it in them to procreate. There is no fixing this. There's only 'wait them out to die out'.

Ladies and gents, something to paste in your God-Take-Me-Now photo album, courtesy of #Paris2024 -- future Jesus:

Twenty minutes behind and closing:

Thursday, August 08, 2024

Three's a Charm! Preparing for WORLD WAR III!

Didn't the Dems keep "screaming that Trump would start WW III"? asks Duncan.

From longtime reader Damian Bennett, we get the following answer: 


White House: Trying To Keep Iran From Getting Nuclear Capabilities Via Diplomacy ‘HASN'T WORKED’ August 3, 2024
National Security Communications Adviser John Kirby: “The President has always maintained that we would prefer Iran not to have a nuclear weapon through diplomacy. But he has also made absolutely clear, our policy has been crystal, we will not allow Iran to achieve a nuclear weapons capability. We prefer to do that through diplomacy. That hasn’t worked. And frankly, that’s not really on the table right now. We haven’t been talking to Iran for quite some time, in terms of diplomacy. So, we’ve got to make sure that we’ve got other capabilities, other options available to the President, including potential military options. And the Department of Defense works on that every day. Obviously, we have been focused a lot on the Middle East. We have added resources from a military perspective to the Middle East and we’re talking about what we need to do to adjust given these recent threats, as well.”

Duh-huh. As if this wasn't obvious at least as far back as the 90s.

Too bad this brilliancy escaped them before they had channeled hundreds of BILLIONS in cash, credit, and sanctions relief into Allah's Atomic War Warchest.


‘The Middle East Region Is Quieter Today Than It Has Been In Two Decades’ October 7, 2023
Just eight days ago, National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan, speaking at The Atlantic Festival, rattled off a long list of positive developments in the Middle East, developments that were allowing the Biden administration to focus on other regions and other problems.


Close out:

“I think [Biden] has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades.” Former Defense Secretary Robert Gates, Duty: Memoirs of a Secretary at War

Wednesday, August 07, 2024

The White House; The Executive Branch; The USA: Who's In Charge?

Kamala Harris may have chosen her vice-president. There is only one question regarding DC. Just one. Damian Bennett has only one question:

 Who's In Charge?

Biden/Harris drop a hint on next genius foreign policy move, hotly anticipated, three years dedicated in the making -- 

WH says Biden and Harris knew nothing. A truly astonishing claim, unbelievable on its face but, considering the players, probably true, begging the Q: 
WHY did they know nothing? 
Dumpster Fire Chief Austin declares he's in charge. Judge Escallier gets hosed. [Clap wipes hands.] And there the circus ends. Please don't bring it up again. Move on. Move along. Get out of here.

I want to rage, but is this somehow more outrageous than the Biden cadaver presidency itself? If you want to rage, where to start? Once you start, there is no end. We are fighting powers that are themselves discombobulated, internally clueless, without a coordinating intelligence, that slosh about in a CYA culture. Powers that congeal into a massive, oozy, amoeboid sprawl that is both everywhere and, because unaccountable, nowhere. It has no one heart at which to strike the fell blow.

BFMTV Features Paul Reen and Other Guests Discussing Kamala Harris's Tim Walz Pick

The Republicans in France group's Paul Reen appears on the BFMTV channel with a number of other guests to discuss Kamala Harris's choice of Tim Walz for the vice-presidency.

Harris/Walz : le choix de la complémentarité ? - 06/08

La course pour la présidentielle se précise aux États-Unis avec le choix par Kamala Harris de son colistier. Il s'appelle Tim Walz. Le gouverneur du Minnesota s'en est dit honoré. Même Joe Biden a salué sa désignation. On y revient avec : Sonia Dridi, correspondante BFMTV à Washington D.C. (États-Unis). Fred Hoffman, porte-parole des "Democrats abroad France". Paul Reen, président de "Republicans in France". Malcolm Biiga, consultant et chroniqueur politique Le Nouvel Economiste. Et Ulysse Gosset, éditorialiste politique internationale BFMTV.

K. Harris "fière" de son choix de colistier - 06/08

Tim Walz, gouverneur du Minessota, est desormais le colistier qui a été choisi par Kamala Harris pour la campagne de l'éléction présidentielle américaine. Comment expliquer ce choix ? On y revient avec : Florian Poras, journaliste BFMTV. Sonia Dridi, correspondante BFMTV à Washington D.C. (États-Unis). Fred Hoffman, porte-parole des "Democrats abroad France". Paul Reen, président de "Republicans in France". Et Malcolm Biiga, consultant et chroniqueur politique Le Nouvel Economiste.

Tuesday, August 06, 2024

Only about 1% of the January 6 protesters actually entered the Capitol (often at the invitation of the Speaker's Capitol Police); In fact, it was the 99% who stayed out of the Capitol who heeded Trump's words

"Why then has the issue of Motive on January 6 been swept off the stage of public discourse?" asks George Shuster in The Real Motive for Jan. 6 (thanks to Evelyne Joslain):

If we examine the true Motive for ourselves, we soon discover that the repeated cries of "insurrection" have tried to stifle analysis of the actual January 6 Motive in favor of accepted "fact.” Despite that relentless attempt, or rather because of it, we should ask ourselves: just who actually had the Motive to disrupt the congressional deliberations taking place in the Capitol Building?

… because the Left has been so relentless to deflect consideration of actual Motive, it is useful to point out that there is an abundance of corroborating evidence. Here is a partial list:

1) Before January 6, it was the Democrat mayor of D.C. and the Democrat speaker who turned down Trump's offer of troops to protect the proceedings in the Capitol, thereby making the path for disruption more open.

2) After January 6, both the mayor and speaker turned D.C. into an armed military zone, with thousands of troops, heavy military equipment, barricades, and barbed wire. The disruption had already succeeded, and now it was useful to make vivid the false "insurrection" narrative. (It never came, and finally the pretense and waste of taxpayer dollars became too embarrassing to continue).

3) It was Democrats in the joint session who tried to truncate the proceedings.

4) When Trump talked to his supporters before they went over to the Capitol, he told them to do so "peacefully and patriotically” -- not the advice one would give if one wanted the proceedings disrupted.

5) Only about one percent of the protesters in D.C. actually entered the Capitol. If Trump's Motive was to disrupt the process, then he must be accounted one of the most ineffective "insurrectionists" of all time. In fact, it was the 99 percent who stayed out of the Capitol that followed his request.

6) Even among that one percent, video the Democrats tried to hide shows that many who entered the Capitol did so at the invitation of the Speaker's Capitol Police, who opened the doors for them and waved them in.

7) The Left not only tried to hide the fact Trump told his supporters beforehand to be peaceful, but also tried to suggest that Trump did nothing to discourage the disruption. A quick review of the timeline demonstrates the opposite. The first protester entered the Capitol at 2:12 P.M. Then:

     a) Just 26 minutes later, Trump tweeted: "Please support our Capitol Police and Law Enforcement. They are truly on the side of our Country. Stay Peaceful.”

     b) At 3:13 Trump tweeted again "to remain peaceful.”

     c) At 4:17 Trump released a video in which he said: " have to go home now. We have to have peace."

     d) At 6:01 Trump tweeted: "Go home with love & in peace."

These tweets were removed by the social media censors. Why did they do so, if not to delete evidence that it was Trump who did not want the proceedings disrupted?

8) On the next day, shortly after Twitter temporarily unlocked his account, Trump released a video condemning the Capitol building disruption. He said he was "outraged," hardly the sentiments of a man who wanted the proceedings interrupted.

9) After the Capitol was cleared and the joint session reconvened, the statutory proceedings were truncated. The Democrats had achieved their disruption Motive.

10) It was the Democrats who later led the rewrite of the Electoral Count Act to remove the procedures that were interrupted on January 6.

11) Both before and after January 6, the Democrats have attempted in multiple channels to quash any claims of 2020 election irregularities, i.e. have pursued the same Motive as disrupting the January 6 joint session.

12) Disruption of government business they do not like is a consistent Democrat strategy, which they not only pursue but praise. Examples include the coordinated "absenteeism" of Democrat State legislators in Texas, disruption of legislative work in the Tennessee State House, disrupting meetings of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, praising Antifa and BLM attacks on Federal buildings, and pulling a fire alarm to prevent an unwanted vote in Congress.

In summary, corroborating evidence confirms just who had, and who had not, the Motive to disrupt the January 6 proceedings. The American People should not be deflected from exercising their own independent judgment on this question. They should realize that Trump was concerned about the 2020 election irregularities and wanted them aired on January 6, and still wants that evidence to be heard. It is the Democrats who resisted then, and still do.

Related: • The January 6 Protest Summarized in One Single Sentence
• Let's Stop Using the Words "Trump Tried to Overturn the 2020 Election"; It's Unprofessional Journalism
The Central Absurd Inconsistency of the Ray Epps Conundrum Described in Two Sentences
• Kabuki Theater: the "top 12 strange, stand-out moments" of the January 6th Committee's interview with Ray Epps
• Déjà Vu All Over Again in the Banana Republic of Biden: No, the Democrats did not run better campaigns in 2022; they cheated, as usual
• Isn’t it strange that in Florida, with all those strict rules against cheating, the GOP red tsunami happened as predicted? The Democrats have again fixed, rigged, and stolen an election
• Let’s dispense with the myth that liberals are really against voter fraud; Voter fraud is actually an essential part of their election strategy
• If the Democrats learned anything from their 2016 debacle it’s that they didn’t cheat nearly enough
• What the January 6th protest actually reveals is the criminal determination of the Democrats to establish a one-party state at whatever the cost
• Democrats don't support voter fraud; they just worry about disenfranchising the deceased
• Voter ID: Apparently not allowing minorities to cheat is a form of racial oppression
• Of the 47 countries in Europe today — the nations and the continent that the Democrats are always telling us to emulate — 46 of them currently require government-issued photo IDs to vote
Joe Biden, Why Are You Calling Denmark a White Supremacist Country? And You, Barack Obama: Why Are You Calling Africa a Racist Continent?
• 2020: an almost totalitarian effort by the national political and social media to suppress and ridicule any doubt of the accuracy of the election result
The DOJ and the FBI "have no conscience or soul": “There is a fervor to attack the J6 protesters, ruin their lives, and bankrupt them”
• "I believed a farrago of lies" Writes VIP Whose Leftist Half of the American Electorate was "Taken in By Full-Spectrum Propaganda" Regarding the Jan. 6 (Non-)Riots
• Our élites constantly lecture everyone about "disinformation," about "big lies", etc; They're the biggest liars of all, with zero accountability
Isn't America Being Governed by a Mafia Family Dynasty, setting things up so that there will always be Democrats in power?
• Inside of a month, Democrats have redefined riots and election challenges from the highest form of patriotism to an attack on democracy — And by “democracy”, they mean the Democrat Party
• Voter Fraud: A Note to Leftists Who Claim that "Not a shred of hard evidence has been produced"
Dennis Prager: The Numerous (and Sweeping) Anomalies Regarding the 2020 Election That Cannot Be Ignored
How to Prevent America from Becoming a Totalitarian State

"An unfathomably brutal place": Much like Nazi Germany, the Japanese Empire was one of the most genocidal in world history

Japanese troops burying Chinese people alive during the Nanjing Massacre

The phrase “Nazi Germany” inspires a horrific set of images in the minds of most Westerners

writes the All That's Interesting history website in Andrew Lenoir's article on The Japanese Empire, One Of The Most Genocidal Regimes In History. (No Pasarán continues its yearly tradition of presenting an article on Hiroshima, Japan, and/or World War II every anniversary of the atomic bombing of that city — see previous entries at the bottom of this post.)

But when it comes to “Shōwa Japan” — the term used to designate the wartime Japanese Empire under Emperor Shōwa (or Hirohito) — the same phenomenon tends not to occur. And yet, Japanese war crimes during World War II were just as appalling as Nazi ones. [Actually, the Imperial Japanese Army was not just every bit as evil as the Nazi SS, they were far more lethal during Japan's "Reign of Terror", i.e., far worse.]

In the 1930s and 1940s, Japanese troops committed a number of atrocities across Asia. Some events are well documented, like the Rape of Nanking — also called the Nanjing Massacre — which left as many as 300,000 Chinese civilians dead. But there are also many lesser-known events, like the Bataan Death March, the Rape of Hong Kong, and the Manila Massacre.

[Tokyo's] tactics made World War II-era Japan an unfathomably brutal place. By some estimates, there were upwards of 40 million deaths in the Pacific Theater — about half of whom were civilians killed by Japan’s military. [During WWII, Japan Killed 7 Times More People (Most of Them Civilians) than They Lost, reports Victor Davis Hanson.]

 … Following Japan’s opening to the West [in 1853], the Japanese launched one of the most rapid modernization efforts in history — and planted many seeds that would later mutate into Japanese war crimes during World War II. 

 … [In 1937], tensions between the Japanese and Chinese escalated into the Second Sino-Japanese War. This would be followed by the Pacific Theater of World War II (though some argue that the Pacific War essentially began at the same time the Second Sino-Japanese War did). The ensuing battles would lead to some of the worst war crimes of the century.

 … the Japanese Empire fought on [despite international condemnation], often resorting to brutal tactics to obtain victory. Their determination to win by any means was gruesomely illustrated when Japanese troops marched on the city of Nanking.

The city — today better known as Nanjing — was then the capital of China, as well as one of its wealthiest cities. But when Nanking fell on December 13, 1937, forces under the command of Emperor Hirohito’s uncle, Prince Yasuhiko Asaka, surrounded the Chinese troops. The Japanese soldiers were allegedly commanded to “kill all the captives.” And then, the Rape of Nanking began.

What followed was a six-week massacre that may have killed over 300,000 people in the city. Up to 80,000 women and girls were raped, and many of these rape victims did not survive their assaults. Those who did live were often left mutilated. Indeed, the horrific stories of murder, rape, and torture are so numerous, one cannot possibly cover all of them in one article.

 … Another infamous story from the Nanjing Massacre is the “Contest to Kill 100 People Using a Sword.” As the name suggests, it was a competition between two Japanese officers, Toshiaki Mukai and Tsuyoshi Noda, to see who would be the first person to kill 100 Chinese people with a sword.

 … From accounts throughout the campaign in China, Japanese soldiers routinely slaughtered captured soldiers and civilians. As reported by Daqing Yang in an essay titled Diary of a Japanese Army Medical Doctor, 1937, this was an open secret. One doctor’s diary entry from 1937 described the machine-gunning of 80 “men and women of all ages” near Nanking.

Clearly acts of terrorism, these mass rapes and massacres can also be seen as a facet of genocidal violence perpetrated by the Japanese Empire. In many cases, the mutilated bodies of victims were left out for others to see, which undoubtedly had a horrific impact on the survivors left behind. 

 … In other war crimes, … it seems the cruelty had other practical purposes, like further advancing Japan’s scientific knowledge. Certain prisoners of war and civilians — most of whom were Chinese — were transported to facilities like Unit 731, where Japanese medical officers performed inhumane experiments on human beings before killing them.

 … One lingering accusation heard most often by American World War II veterans is that the Japanese were the worst to their captives of any Axis Power. Upon examination, there does seem to be some truth here. According to the MacArthur Memorial Education Programs, prisoners of war suffered a 4 percent death rate in Europe and a 27 percent death rate in the Pacific.

 … In one particularly brutal case of Japanese war crimes against Western prisoners, staff members at a Japanese university dissected downed American pilots — while they were still alive — as reported by the Daily Mail.

 … Though most people in the West understand the magnitude of the Nazi Holocaust and the European Theater in modern times, few grasp the extent of Japan’s brutality during World War II. Much like Nazi Germany, the Japanese Empire was one of the most genocidal in world history.

However, in the years since the war ended, Germany has made strides to confront its history. This includes prosecuting former Nazis, erecting memorials to Holocaust victims, preserving death camps, and making it illegal to deny that the systematic mass murder of 6 million Jews happened. But Japan has done comparatively little to address its war crimes.

Jeff Jacoby had this to say about the "
unfathomably brutal place"
Horrific as the attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki were, President Truman’s other options would have cost more lives; in the Boston Globe,
addresses the bloodiest land battle in the Pacific Theater for U.S. forces which ended only after the Nazi surrender and therefore after the end of the war in Europe.

Long before he won fame for his biographies of Douglas MacArthur, John F. Kennedy, and Winston Churchill, William Manchester was a young Marine corporal serving in the Pacific theater during World War II. He was severely wounded in the fighting on Okinawa, Japan, in June 1945, an experience he described in his wartime memoir, “Goodbye, Darkness.”

The violence on Okinawa was unimaginably savage. During the 12-week battle for the island, more than 12,500 Americans were killed and nearly 37,000 wounded. Japan’s losses were even more appalling. Determined to fight to the death rather than surrender the remote southern island, well over 100,000 Japanese soldiers were killed. The US Navy suffered the worst losses in its history. Waves of suicide attacks by Japanese aircraft resulted in the sinking of 34 American ships and the deaths of 5,000 US sailors. Bloody as the fighting was, however, everyone knew that it was only a foretaste of the losses Americans would sustain in a few months, when the climactic assault on Japan itself was expected to begin.

 … the bombings were the least deadly of the choices America faced. Every other option — invading Japan, increased firebombing, starving the Japanese into defeat, or letting the Soviet Union invade — would have killed even more people. The Bomb brought a quick end to the worst war in history. Awful as it was, Truman was right to use it.

As more and more shipwrecks from World War II are discovered (such as three sunken aircraft carriers from the Battle of Midway, one American, two Japanese), debate never ends regarding the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

• Hiroshima 15: Examining the Issues Surrounding the Dropping of Atomic Bombs on Japan (Erik Svane) 

• Hiroshima 21: Didn't the Atomic Bombs Prevent the Red Army from Sweeping Through Western Europe and the Entire Continent from Falling Under Stalin's Iron Fist? 

• Hiroshima 17: During WWII, Japan Killed 7 Times More People (Most of Them Civilians) than They Lost (Victor Davis Hanson) 

• Hiroshima 18: The Imperial Japanese Army was every bit as evil as the Nazi SS, and more lethal (Trent Telenko)

• Hiroshima 19: The Horrific Treatment of Civilians During Japan's "Reign of Terror"

• Hiroshima 14: "I regard Hiroshima revisionism as the greatest hoax in American history" (Robert Maddox)

• Hiroshima 13: Although It Is Not Said Openly, Hiroshima Also Played a Purifying Role, IE the Baptism of a New Japan, the Event that Put an End to 50 Years of Crimes (Le Monde)

• Hiroshima 20: The Day the Pilot Who Led the Attack on Pearl Harbour Met the Pilot of the Enola Gay

• Hiroshima 12: Political Correctness in Japan: The comment "tramples on the feelings of victims", so… Shut the F**k Up and Lose Your Job! (re the forced resignation of Japan's defense (!) minister)

• Hiroshima 11: If Western elites cannot find perfection in history, they see no good at all; most never learned the narrative of WWII, only what was wrong about it (Victor Davis Hanson)

• Hiroshima 10: If Not for the Atom Bombs, Japan, as we know it today, would not exist (S L Sanger, author of “Working on the Bomb”)

• Hiroshima 9: Over one million warning leaflets were dropped over Hiroshima, Nagasaki, and 33 other Japanese cities 5 days before the Hiroshima bombing (Bill Whittle)

• Hiroshima 8: Was It Wrong to Use the Atom Bomb on Japan? (Father Wilson Miscamble)

• Hiroshima 7: Some Facts About Hiroshima and World War II That You Hear Neither From America's MSM, University Élites, and History Books, Nor From Japan's (New York Times)

• Hiroshima 16: Did Japan's top officers know a bomber was approaching Nagasaki, 5 hours beforehand, and do nothing?

• Hiroshima 6: "Lance or spear practice was a regular women's exercise to practice for the anticipated U.S. landing" (a Japanese American)

• Hiroshima 5: Japan's plans for defense involved mobilizing the civilian population, including women and children, for the customary suicidal battle tactics (Thomas Sowell)

• Hiroshima 4: "Les 300 000 morts d'Hiroshima ont épargné bien davantage de Japonais, qui auraient été écrasés sous des bombes ordinaires" (Charles de Gaulle)

• Hiroshima 3: A mainland invasion could have resulted in millions of Japanese deaths—and that's not counting civilians (Wall Street Journal)

• Hiroshima 2: Hand-wringing over Hiroshima is just virtue-signaling by people who never said a bad word about Stalin or Mao’s mass murders (Glenn Reynolds)

• Hiroshima 1: Unlike the ends of the majority of conflicts, World War II in the Pacific grew increasingly bloody as U.S. forces approached the Japanese homeland (Erik Svane)