Saturday, September 28, 2024

The whole of the modern West now presents a sort of socialist thought experiment in a perpetual revolutionary adolescence; where for the rest of their lives citizen adolescents play at being grown-up idealists — forever mounting the heroic barricades of this cause or that

In the comments section of a recent post (Inadvertently Spilling the Truth: What Is the Democratic Party If Not the Party of Sophomoric Teens, Intrepid Cosplayers, and Would-Be Heroes?), our ol' friend Damian Bennett has written one of the best descriptions of the past century — indeed, of the past centuries:

All cultures have rites of passage to transition the young into the prerogatives and responsibilities of adult society. In the modern west the common mechanisms of passage were roughly conscription, trades, college, marriage.
With the European 'social' enlightenment, represented by the socialist/idealist aspects of the French revolution, the rites of passage in the west stopped providing passage and, in the case of France, ushered children into a perpetual revolutionary adolescence, where for the rest of their lives citizen adolescents played at being grown-up idealists.
The whole of the modern west now presents as a sort of socialist thought experiment in eternal adolescence; citizen adolescents forever are mounting the heroic barricades of this cause or that, but never moiling in the unglamorous ditches of accomplishment, of getting things done.

Q.E.D. Candidate KA-mala Harris.

Getting things done is always left to someone else, e.g., the adults, those who have transitioned into productive contributors and family and community.

Q.E.D. Candidate Trump.

And needless to say, these adults, these productive contributors, are precisely the ones who always demonized as the (as society's) enemy, presented as deplorable people to be controlled, canceled, ruined, imprisoned, and/or assassinated. Exactly the kind of monsters (racists, sexists, thisorthatphobes, etc) that the citizen adolescents are forever feeling the need to mount the heroic barricades against. Which explains the expression "killing the goose that lays the golden eggs" and, in turn, why all leftist systems eventually end up in impoverishment.

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

An iffy 2020 steal repeat is in the works: Dark Powers are all stops out — lawfare, assassination, propaganda, censorship, fraud, cash payouts — to prevent Trump 47

Five weeks before the 2024 election, our old friend Damian Bennett has this on his mind:

Oh. Wait.
Let's begin here. Up or down, favorable or unfavorable, the polls are rubbish. If not rubbish, they are meaningless in a Potemkin election.  
  • So Many Don’t Want To Know So Much About Kamala Harris (Byron York) September 23, 2024
    [NYT Bret Stephens] appeared on HBO’s Real Time With Bill Maher with the MSNBC anchor Stephanie Ruhle. ... Stephens suggested that “it would be great” if Harris would sit down with Ruhle or other journalists and answer questions. One might think Ruhle would want that, too. But she does not.  “Kamala Harris is not running for perfect,” Ruhle responded. ... After video of the exchange began to circulate, other journalists agreed with Ruhle. “This is infuriatingly disingenuous,” wrote the Atlantic’s Tom Nichols about Stephens’s suggestion. “‘We don’t know her positions’ is a straw man and Stephens knows it. I’m pretty sure I know what her administration will look like. … ‘Undecideds’ who say ‘but I want to hear more about her policies’ are not undecided. They want Harris to walk into an unwinnable policy debate with the media...’ ... “Exactly,” said the Atlantic’s Anne Applebaum. “Real moral clarity from Stephanie Ruhle,” said Vanity Fair’s Molly Jong-Fast. “This is perfect from my friend Stephanie Ruhle,” said MSNBC’s Nicolle Wallace.
  • Harris Repeats Call For Second Debate With Trump: 'There's More To Talk About' September 23, 2024
  • Harris' Desperation For Another Debate Says Something About State Of The Race September 23, 2024

I went back and reviewed polling for 2020. People forget election night 2020 they went to bed with President Trump 45+4 and woke up ( weeks later) with Biden 46.
So polling is meaningless in a fixed election, an election that is -- was, will be -- stolen.
Let me summarize where I am. The polls are rubbish. An iffy 2020 steal repeat is in the works. Dark Powers are all stops out -- lawfare, assassination, propaganda, censorship, fraud, cash payouts -- to prevent Trump 47, but not confident in their doings.
Little prospect of a legitimate Harris-Waltz win, what is Deep Blue's Plan B? Fabricate 'winning' votes. 
Keeping the polls cosmetically close, as if KA-mala is actually competitive, is crucial.
  • The Unknown 2024 Election Variable: PLAUSIBILITY September 17, 2024
    [Deep Blues] need the election outcome to remain close in the psyche of the American electorate. Only if the election is proclaimed to be “close”, and only if the larger American electorate will accept that foundation, can those who are injecting fraudulent ballots continue to operate with success.
We are seeing a repeat of 2020 where there was NO evidence of broad Biden supporter enthusiasm, and sometimes no evidence of Biden supporters...
...sometimes no evidence of Joe...
...compared to massive high-energy Trump rallies everywhere he went. Everything old is new again.
Now we are told to believe the most unpopular vice president in American history, who both brags on and disowns the Biden-Harris record, whose boss then her boss's boss then her own party then her party's C(ash)-suite and DNC 'journalists' schemed to sideline -- we are told to believe suddenly magically she has made this race not merely competitive, but somehow she is favored to win in a squeaker. The suddenness and the magic and the competitiveness and the favor are lies. You are being fed lies because we live in an empire of lies. What does this mean for November? It means a repeat of the 2020 stall to fabricate votes +5% north of whatever Trump legitimately wins.  Without benefit of COVID cover the steal will be blatant. It will be flagrant. And it will be valorized by corrupt institutions and bulletproofed by a corrupt press. Objections will be treated as near-criminal and certainly a danger to 'democracy'.
Is there anyone who still believes Joe Biden won 81M votes? Fewer people will own up to voting for Biden than believe in those 81M votes. At this point there are no undecided voters. There are only people waiting to vote. People who poll as undecided are not waiting on Trump because Trump is a known, and they are no longer waiting KA-mala who will remain strategically unknowable through November 5. There is no more to know or not to know. Nobody is undecided. If there are any actual soft voters, they are statistically insignificant. 

How might the Blue Powers cover their perfidy this time? Provoking a hot war? Another cooked virus? Perhaps mustering their illegal alien cartel armies to billet among the natives, to occupy and hold hostage small-town America? One or more of these as a pretext for declaring martial law? The Blue Powers have worried themselves into the open, into plain view. They no longer observe the niceties of pretense. They are ruthless. They are prepared, I believe, to do what it takes beyond the law to remain installed as the law.

Good luck, America.

"We are not electing a mother to bring you 'joy' or a social worker to give you therapy and money"

If President Trump was really going to ‘end democracy,’ he would have done it in 2017. If Kamala Harris was really going to fix everything, she would have done it during the past four years—including sealing the border as Border Czar.
After pointing out that you ought to remember that You’re Not Voting for Donald Trump, the Conservative Caucus goes on to share some Tough Talk on Kamala Harris and Tim Walz:

The media paints Harris and Walz as caring people who are “saving democracy” and “caring for the poor and middle class,” against President Trump who is an “evil fascist who will destroy democracy.” 

Let’s not sugar coat it. We are not electing a mother to bring you “joy” or a social worker to give you therapy and money. No. We are electing the leader of the greatest country in the world with more than 330 million Americans and the strongest economy in the world. We are electing the Commander in Chief of the only nation capable of deterring WW-III which alone could end our freedom.

If Harris and Walz are elected, their actual records and actual words demonstrate they will work rapidly to end the democracy they profess to be saving. Read their own words!

Kamala Harris: “[Donald Trump] has lost his privileges and it [Trump’s Twitter/X] must be taken down."

And the bottom line is that you can’t say that you have one rule for Facebook and you have a different rule for Twitter. The same rule has to apply, which is that there has to be a responsibility that is placed on these social media sites to understand their power. They are directly speaking to millions and millions of people without any level of oversight and regulation.

And that has to stop.

Kamala Harris: “We have to have a buyback program and I support a mandatory buyback program.” Interviewer: “How mandatory is your gun buyback program?” Harris insisted: “It’s mandatory.”

Kamala Harris: “Just because you legally possess a gun in the sanctity of your locked home doesn't mean that we're not going to walk into that home and check to see if you're being responsible.”

Tim Walz: “There’s no guarantee to free speech on misinformation or hate speech, and especially on our democracy.”

Tim Walz: "[Communism] means that everyone is the same and everyone shares," The doctor and the construction worker make the same. The Chinese government and the place they work for provide housing and about 30 pounds of rice per month. They get food and housing." Walz spent his honeymoon in Communist China, and planned his wedding date to coincide with the fifth anniversary of the bloody Tiananmen Square massacre.

Tim Walz: “One person’s socialism is another person’s neighborliness.” 

These statements just cover the First and Second Amendment—and Walz’s love of Communism and socialism. Imagine how much they hate the rest of our Constitution. Ending our liberties in such a short time is not an impossible or even an unlikely task given their advocacy for dictatorial powers.

Censorship is at the top of their list because if you can’t even warn people about threats to freedom, you have already lost your freedom. 

History repeats. Every Communist revolution was done with the support of many people believing their lies that they would have more freedom and money if they support the revolution. Once they helped overthrow their government, those who helped are among the first to be targeted. Why? They just helped the totalitarians take power, right? Exactly! Once they wake up that they don’t have the promised glorious freedom, the regime will worry they would lead a counter-revolution. Once conservatives are silenced, there will be nobody who can speak up for them.

It is not an exaggeration that in just four years of the radical Harris and Walz, plus a Democrat House and Senate that they could accomplish the following goals:

  1. Government, media and social media censorship of any opposition.

  2. Mandatory gun confiscation.

  3. Energy rationing and skyrocketing prices for the ‘green’ ideology.

  4. ‘Court packing’ for a permanent Democrat court majority—what’s constitutional would be ruled ‘unconstitutional,’ and what’s unconstitutional would be ruled ‘constitutional.’ DC statehood for two more Democrat Senators. 20-40 million more illegals invading even the smallest towns, and given amnesty and voting cards. 

Is that enough? There’s more.

5. Continuing military weakness that invites World War III.

6. Radical Democrat protestors burning cities to terrorize Americans into silence.

7. Tax the equity in your home before you sell your house—every year until you are forced to sell it to pay the taxes.

8. Soviet Russia-style price controls that would create food shortages and black markets.

9. An end to the Electoral College so just a few big Democrat cities would forever control the election.

Democrat politicians boast these are their goals. We should believe them.

You’ve probably heard a lot of this already. But this heavy truth is too bitter a medicine for most voters. If they only watch the liberal news, what you are saying will sound absolutely crazy. 

The media says tens of millions of illegals are all good people, that Biden and Harris are tough on crime and our enemies. That the economy is strong and prices are going down. So you are the one that will sound like the crazy one.  

As a caring conservative, I know you’ll approach voters with more of a soft-sell. You can refer to our previous edition which has talking points more suitable to talking to moderates and independents. 

One more point you can use: If President Trump was really going to ‘end democracy,’ he would have done it in 2017. If Kamala Harris was really going to fix everything, she would have done it during the past four years—including sealing the border as Border Czar.

The reason I’m telling you the unvarnished, scary truth is to encourage you in these final weeks of the election to step up even more to help us win.

The Conservative Caucus — which is holding a 50th anniversary gala in Leesburg on October 13 — goes on to list some easy things you can do to help with the victory…
In her Dreuz article on Kamala Harris, Evelyne Joslain leads with this sentence:
The so-called Democratic Party, were it honest, would rename itself the Neo-Marxist party…

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

No, “You’re Not Voting for Donald Trump…”

Over at the the Conservative Caucus, we are told to remember that 

“You’re Not Voting for Donald Trump…”

You’ve probably got friends and acquaintances who hate Trump but who you think are otherwise fairly moderate or even conservative. Who could blame them? The media and Democrat politicians piled on with their dehumanizing hatred against Trump—to such a degree that two assassins have tried to kill him, and even some life-long Republicans are skeptical due to the non-stop propaganda.

Here’s how to talk to them.

“You’re not voting for Donald Trump; you’re voting to cut the cost of filling your tank and your grocery cart. ● You’re voting to crack down on crime. ● You’re voting to seal the border. ● You’re voting to deport criminal illegal aliens committing crimes in our major cities. ● You’re voting to get the economy roaring like it was until COVID. ● You’re voting for a more peaceful world. ● You’re voting to end taxing Social Security and tips.”

That’s what you are voting for, even if you can’t stand the man.


The Conservative Caucus — which is holding a 50th anniversary gala in Leesburg on October 13 — has a follow-up editorial dedicated to explaining that "We are not electing a mother to bring you 'joy' or a social worker to give you therapy and money"