Regarding the
destruction of
Piss Christ,
Michel Garroté notes that one star French TV presenter repeated an early AFP mistake, describing
Piss Christ,
Andres Serrano's work of art (sic) as a "crucifix soaked in the urine of Christ."
Last night, I was watching TF1's news report and suddenly, Claire Chazal mentions a "crucifix soaked in the urine of Christ." In the urine of Christ himself. Jesus's urine has thus been conserved for 2,000 years. That's even better than the shroud of Turin and the pieces of the true cross.
Hier soir, je regardais le TJ de TF1 à 20h00 et voilà que Claire Chazal parle d’un « crucifix trempé dans l'urine du Christ ». Dans l’urine du Christ en personne. L’on a donc conservé, pendant 2'000 ans, l’urine du Christ. Mieux que le saint suaire, le linceul de Turin, la tunique d’Argenteuil et les débris de la Croix.
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