Among the readers who reacted were , and .

Well I'm glad none of my children went to that school. What a harpy of a librarian, and didn't she give a fantastic example of stereotyping and race and class hatred in the way she condescendingly replied to Mrs Trump.

I see that Libby Purves, herself, has fallen into stereotyping by referring to Ferguson, MO, as a place of real racism. May I point out that a grand jury accepted that the officer who shot Michael Brown did so in self defence. Furthermore, the main conclusion of  the Dept of Justice report into the administration of justice in Ferguson was not that the system was racist but that it was driven by the desire to raise revenue through fines.  This affected poor people severely, and in Ferguson, poor people tended to be Black. The leaders of Ferguson had been insensitive to this.

The books that the Cambridge librarian recommends instead (and remember...this is for elementary school children), reflect a highly politicised outlook on life. What is shocking is that the Cambridge Public Schools tolerate indoctrination of young children. This woman should be sacked!

I imagine I will be shot down for this, but the unthinking condemnation of stereotyping is itself another example of PC.

The fact is that people do conform to stereotypes because we are all members of multiple groups to which we conform to a greater or lesser extent, but more importantly when we meet someone we are not, however liberal we think we are, a blank slate.  We inevitably start out with a broad brush impression of that person derived from stereotypes, and then move on to a greater understanding of the individual as an individual as we winnow out more information about them.  The degree to which we are liberal, in my opinion, determines how open minded we are in terms of allowing that deeper understanding to develop. 

Perhaps it's just me, or maybe social media and the digital age allows them more prominence, but I feel that society seems to have developed a rich vein of the professionally and permanently indignant.  Just like those who can read something and take issue with the grammer but ignore the content,  there seem to be many who expend an enormous amount of energy deliberately looking for something they can deem to be bigoted, racist, fascist, sexist et al, just so they can feel satisfyingly offended for the day.
And this is how real, important issues get lost in the noise.

I wonder if lefties realise what terrible bores they are, and that no one can stand them?