Tuesday, November 08, 2016

Global Warming Update: The Cold May Be So Severe in France This Winter That the Country May Be Plunged into Darkness

As the Daily Telegraph reports on "a severe weather warning for northern and eastern England warning people to expect up to four inches of snow in the next 48 hours", snowflakes are also starting to cover the ground in Northern France — much earlier than usual — leading one Vincent Maillard to warn in Les Echos that the cold front might be so severe this winter that electricity grids might fail, plunging France into darkness.

All of which leads Ed Driscoll to deadpan with a headline from a couple of years ago:
ReminderA LOOK BACK: More global warming and more heat waves
— from the winter of 2012, the winter of 2011, the winter of 2010 ("The coldest start to December for centuries"), the winter of 2009, the winter of 2008, and the winter of 2007

Les Echos:
Vincent Maillard
La France risque vraiment d’être dans le noir cet hiver

LE CERCLE/POINT DE VUE - La France pourrait subir une coupure de courant cet hiver si une forte vague de froid balayait le pays. …