According to a laughing Roselyne Bachelot, writes Voici's Mathias Alcaraz, the former government minister's favorite Jacques Chirac quote was the following:
Il me disait toujours “Tu sais, quand tu es en déplacement, il ne faut jamais perdre une occasion de bouffer, de pisser, de baiser”He always told me, "You know, when you are on the road, you must never waste an opportunity to eat, to take a piss, to get laid."
(FYI, all three verbs used by Chirac are slang words, with the latter one closer to the F-word.)
Ensuite, il allait aux toilettes et il me disait “Y’en a plus que deux à faire!”Then he would head off to the restroom, and quip "one down, two to go."
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