Saturday, February 12, 2005

Libé argues against democracy

[La majorité des Européens désapprouvent cette forme musclée d'exportation de la démocratie. Mais que proposons-nous par ailleurs ? Pourquoi tolérer l'autoritarisme en Chine et la dégradation des libertés fondamentales en Russie, et en revanche accepter l'intervention occidentale pour la construction de la démocratie en Afghanistan ? Où passent les frontières de l'ingérence politique ?]

[The majority of Europeans disapprove of this exporting of the democracy. But what do we propose instead? Why tolerate authoritarianism in China and the degradation of fundamental freedoms in Russia, and on the other hand to accept the Western intervention for the construction of the democracy in Afghanistan? Where are the boundaries of political interference?]

Idiots. How mixed up, shortsighted, and unsophisticated can you get? How much finger-wagging and interference-running have they gone through before they asked themselves that question? It's about the future, and about right and wrong, stupid, not Europe's pocketbook.

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